Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Advantages Of Studying Abroad Education Essay
The Advantages Of Studying Abroad Education Essay The development of the society is going towards a globalised world where the social, cultural and traditional differences between people are becoming less distinguishable. One of the key factors which has largely influenced in the development of peoples way of understanding and analysing social and cultural values is education which has taken an important place in the new century. Education is an essential foundation for personal, social and economic success in a globalised economy (OECD 2008). International studies are becoming the new trend of young people as a way to expend their education beyond their traditional education style and their everyday world (Spiering and Ericson 2006). Johnson and Mulholland (2006) consider international education as an opportunity to increase the awareness of the people about the culture of the world which can contribute in creating individuals with a broader understanding of issues concerning todays society rather than limiting them in the scope of home educational system. In this point of view, studying abroad students gain the opportunity to learn more about world affairs and increase their acceptance of other countries regardless of the differences in culture or language. Moreover studying in a foreign directly benefits in learning a new language. Pellegrino (1997) argues that study abroad is one of the most effective ways of becoming proficient in a new language. Students who chose to spend a certain amount of time in a country the language they are willing to learn is spoken, have the opportunity to interact with native speakers a fact which would directly influence in the improvement of their linguistic and sociolinguistic skills to achieve real communicative goals, and to experience the tangible and visible manifestations of the culture of the country (Pellegrino 1997). Individuals who have studied abroad in foreign language often demonstrate cognitive development, creative thinking which surpass the abilities of individuals who have educational experiences of their home country only (Kinginger 2007). One of the reasons why studying abroad is becoming more important nowadays considering the effects of globalization, is the international job market. Qiang (2003) observes that there is a significant increase in the number of recruitments regarding the international workforce due to globalization process which has caused the education system, especially higher education, not to be strictly viewed in the national context. Mpinganjira (2009) analyses that the need of being competitive in the international job market has influenced many students to look to opportunities to enhance their career prospects through acquiring high quality education with qualifications that are recognised worldwide. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study is to analyse the advantages of studying abroad from the students point of view and to propose some new ways of thinking for students when evaluating the possibility of studying in a foreign country. The hypothesis to be studied is: students in the Southern and Eastern Europe think that high quality of studies can only be achieved through studying in a Western country. In addition the primary and secondary research will attempt to identify some of the factors that influence in the choice of students regarding their studies. Some of the major objectives of this study are: The guiding factors for young people toward choosing a university abroad rather than going in a local university How important is the financial situation in deciding to study in a foreign university What role plays the learning a new language in deciding in which university to go Identify the opinion of students about the influence that a period of studies would have in their personal life and future career MATERIALS AND METHODS The research process was divided into two major parts which contributed in the collection and analyze of the data. The first part included secondary data collection from different sources related to the subject of research. Some of this sources are used in the paper in order to explain different facts regarding to the topic. The second part consisted of primary data collection through a survey which was designed in accordance to the characteristics of the population it was intended for (see Appendices Survey). The survey was distributed to young people (high school and college students) in Korca, Albania by e-mail. It resulted in 25 respondents out of 50 actually delivered or 50% response rate. In order to increase the number of respondents the survey was redistributed to students in Perrotis College completing the intended number of respondents, 50. After the data were collected Microsoft Excel was used in order to organize the data in tables. Afterwards the data were imported to JMP 8 statistical software where the data were analyzed using tables, charts and other statistical analyses figures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Characteristics of the population From the analyse of the data using JMP 8 the characteristics of the population were identified. Table 1 contains the full characteristics of the population and the responses retrieved from the survey. No. of partecipants Gender Factors in deciding where to study Would you go to study abroad Why foreign university Advantages of foreign universities Western Universities offer quality 16 male Quality Quality More opportunities personal experience yes 17 male Quality Quality More opportunities quality of studies yes 18 male Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies most likely 19 male Quality Quality Couldnt study in my country Language proficiency yes 20 male Quality Quality Couldnt study in my country Language proficiency yes 21 male Quality Quality Couldnt study in my country personal experience yes 22 male Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies yes 23 male Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies yes 24 male Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies yes 25 male Quality Quality Excellent experience multicultural experience most likely 26 male Quality Quality More opportunities multicultural experience yes 27 male Quality Quality More opportunities personal experience most likely 28 male Quality Quality More opportunities multicultural experience most likely 29 male Quality Quality More opportunities quality of studies yes 30 male Cost Cost Excellent experience Language proficiency yes 31 male Cost Cost Excellent experience multicultural experience yes 32 female Location Location Excellent experience personal experience yes 33 female Location Location More opportunities quality of studies most likely 34 female Quality Quality More opportunities quality of studies yes 35 female Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies yes 36 female Quality Quality More opportunities multicultural experience yes 37 female Location Location Couldnt study in my country personal experience yes 38 female Quality Quality Excellent experience Language proficiency yes 39 female Quality Quality More opportunities multicultural experience most likely 40 female Cost Cost More opportunities multicultural experience most likely Distributions Age Age of Respondents Figure 1 Frequencies Level Count Prob 17 18 9 0.18000 18 20 11 0.22000 20 22 22 0.44000 22 24 5 0.10000 above 24 3 0.06000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 5 Levels Figure 1 illustrates the age characteristics of the sample involved in the survey. As it is shown the majority of the respondents belonged in the age group of 20 22 years old which corresponds to the first year of college for many countries. Gender Distribution of the sample by Gender Figure 2 Frequencies Level Count Prob female 19 0.38000 male 31 0.62000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 2 Levels From figure 2 gender characteristics can be understood. The research has been directed to 50 individuals where 62 % or 31 of the respondents were males while 38% or 19 respondents belonged to female gender. Factors in deciding where to study Important factors which influence the students when choosing where to study. Figure 3 Frequencies Level Count Prob Cost 11 0.22000 Location 3 0.06000 Quality 36 0.72000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 3 Levels The above figure summarises some of the most important factors which influence the young people by the most when making a decision about the university they are going to be attending. As shown the most important factor in students opinion, is the quality of studies that a university offers or the fame of the university. Would you go to study abroad The students willingness to study abroad Figure 4 Frequencies Level Count Prob I dont know 22 0.44000 No 2 0.04000 Yes 26 0.52000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 3 Levels When asked about their willingness to continue their studies in a foreign university 52% of the students answered that they would chose a university outside their home country for their studies while, 44% of them answered that their choice would depend on the characteristic of the universities they would go in their country. This part of the questioned sample would go for studies abroad only if the universities in their country would not offer the preferred characteristics for the students. Only 4% of the students answered that they are not considering at all the possibility of studying in a foreign country. Why foreign university Reasons for choosing a foreign university Figure 5 Frequencies Level Count Prob Couldns study in my country 11 0.22000 Exellent experience 18 0.36000 More opportunities 21 0.42000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 3 Levels The majority of the students think that foreign universities offer more opportunities for their future career, therefore, they would go to study abroad. The other part of the students consider studying abroad as an excellent experience in their lives. On the other hand, the minority of the questioned students would go in a foreign university only if they wouldnt be able to study in their preferred university in their countries. Advantages of foreign universities Advantages of studying abroad Figure 6 Frequencies Level Count Prob Linguage proficiency 5 0.10000 multicultural experience 18 0.36000 personal experience 11 0.22000 quality of studies 16 0.32000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 4 Levels Regarding to the advantages that the foreign universities offer compared with studying experiences in the home countries, students are approximately equally divided regarding to what they think are the advantages of studying abroad. 36% of the students consider the multicultural aspect of the studies as the most important factor on studying in a foreign university while 32% emphasise the quality of studies in other countries as the main aspect. Also the possibility of personal experiences and opportunity to know yourself better are very important in students evaluation for a university. While the opportunity of learning a new language proficiently is less important. Financial implications of studies Students opinion about the impact of costs associated with studying abroad Figure 7 Frequencies Level Count Prob Agree 14 0.28000 Dissagree 1 0.02000 Dont know 8 0.16000 Strongly agree 27 0.54000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 4 Levels The biggest part of the students strongly agreed that the cost of studying in a foreign university plays an important role in deciding to go for studies abroad or not. Western Universities offer quality Do western universities offer better quality? Figure 8 Frequencies Level Count Prob most likely 12 0.24000 yes 38 0.76000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 2 Levels When asked if they think that universities in the Western Europe offer a better quality compared with universities in their own countries, the majority of students, 76% agreed that the universities in the west offer more opportunities for a high quality of studies, while, 24% of them answered that they were not sure on this statement. There were no students to disagree. Contingency Analysis of Western Universities offer quality By Home Country Mosaic Plot Contingency Table Home Country By Western Universities offer quality Count Total % Col % Row % most likely yes Albania 6 12.00 50.00 19.35 25 50.00 65.79 80.65 31 62.00 Bulgaria 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 4.00 5.26 100.00 2 4.00 FYROM 3 6.00 25.00 50.00 3 6.00 7.89 50.00 6 12.00 Greece 1 2.00 8.33 12.50 7 14.00 18.42 87.50 8 16.00 Moldova 1 2.00 8.33 50.00 1 2.00 2.63 50.00 2 4.00 Turkey 1 2.00 8.33 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 2.00 12 24.00 38 76.00 50 Tests N DF -LogLike RSquare (U) 50 5 3.7635068 0.1366 Test ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq Likelihood Ratio 7.527 0.1843 Pearson 7.710 0.1730 Discussion In the table above can be observed that the model constraint by the hypothesis has a log-likelyhood of 3.763 while the ChiSquare has a non significant p-value of 0.1843. The hypothesis risen in the beginning that Student from Eastern and Southern Europe think that high quality of studies can only be achieved through studying in a Western country is supported by the values given form the contingency analysis. Therefore the hypothesis is accepted. CONCLUSION
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Isolation as Defense: The way Sentinelese lives Essay
Defining alone is much more like having a heavy baggage inside your heart and at the same time, it doesn’t really make someone realize that alone is such an ugly word unless you already felt it but for the residents of North Sentil Island, being alone and away from the civilization is far better for their tribe. It keeps them away from being wordly and too dependent with technology and the many developments that Earth can offer now.            The way Sentinelese lives is far from the luxury and the glamorous life style which most of the â€Å"civilized†people have in present, with several developments and arising new technologies, people of the new generation and well educated individuals compared to the natives were much more civilized and well taught of the right things to do and the right manner and conduct towards the people around them.            There was no thorough account about the people of the North Sentinel Island or whom we call as Sentinelese at present. There were only few encounters with these people and almost all of these encounters can be considered as failed operations or missions. Most of the time, they welcome their unknown visitors by firing arrows and waving their axes towards these unknowns.            Located at the Bengal Bay, particularly in the North Sentil Island, the Sentinelese were part of the Adamanese Indegenous people who lives in most parts of the Andaman Islands. These people looks more like pygmies or Negritos and are naked as if they don’t have any sexual parts which needs some privacy, for the Sentinelese, it does not mean anything and they don’t need clothes. The Sentinelese are only short people, barely reaching four or five feet tall, they have frizzy curly hair and black skin.            These people are mostly hunters and they live their lives by gathering food from the forest and the sea. They make use of metal as their weapons and there was no sigh that they know agriculture. Perhaps the tribe lives and eats throught hunting and gathering wild plants all over the island. The Sentinelese and the outside world (Direct Contacts with the Sentinelese)            If we will look at the present situation and attitude of the Sentinelese, we would assume that these people does not have any education of the current trends in the outside world of the Island. The Sentinelese shows no contact with foreigners or people who does not look like them. Although some notes were taken saying that they somehow had physical contacts with the British who killed mostly their population through the diseases they brought during their colonization in the Islands and Japanese colonizers who killed most of them, looking at them shows no proof of the direct contacts because up to the present, Sentinelese and their tribe has not yet opened their doors to the world.            At present, the Sentinelese tribe remains as the most isolated tribe in the whole world. There was no definite number of the people from this tribe and probably they could be more than 50 people but less than 300 in population. Surviving the 2004 Tsunami, the Sentinelese was able to save themselves and continue to live the peaceful live they thought they can have by simply isolating themselves. Sentinelese’s Defense Mechanism             In 2006, two fishermen were reported to be killed by the people of North Sentil Island. The people thought that they were really dangerous aside from the fact that they fire arrows towards their visitors but the good news that make people quite okay was the news that the two bodies remained intact and was not eaten by the tribe like what people used to believe.            The two fishermen were believed to be drunk when the boat they were into set off in the island and the tribesmen immediately attacked them according to the witnesses. The decision whether to account the incident as murder falls in to two sides. The family of Sundar Raj wants justice while the father of Pandit Tiwari opposed to the diea by supporting the other half of the archipelago who says that preservation of the Island and the tribe is much more needed. RK Tiwari said that in this incident, the victims are the Sentinelese and not his son. He even said that it was the price his son has to pay because of tresspassing in a land he does not own, he had his own justice by being murdered. The Sentinelese on his opinion were just defending themselves. All he wanted to happen was to have the body of his son which is not quite impossible.            If this account will be murder, it is impossible to have or give justice, the authorities need to arrest the whole tribe to know who really killed the two fishermen. At the same time, they might risk too many lives and the arrest might lead to a lot of deaths in both sides. For the authorities, it is better to leave them alone and just focus on getting the bodies of the victims.            This tribe might have been too paranoid of the coming of the unknows which probably drove them into firing arrows and waving their axes but we can’t blame them. Probably the tribes people were only protecting tehmselves from the harm that the civilization can give them thus, letting someone from the outside world in the island would mean of danger. Their past experiences from the colonizers were enough to make them believe that they can stand alone and be protected by tehmselves. â€Å"No man is an island†           Back in the Bible days, God made Adan together with no one like him except the animals he also designed but as days go by, he saw that Adan was lonely and thought that he will give him a companion, hence, Eve was made and together with Adan, they took care of Earth and soon formed humanity.            The longer we keep ourselves from the people around us, the harder it becomes to accept that life is much better with the people who cares for us and the people who we will let to touch our lives. The harder we accept that we need them beacuse they will add color in our life and make it worthwhile, the more impossible it is for us to learn that in real life applied in present status of the whole world, life is unfair and most of the times, we need someone who will make us realize that life is indeed beautiful and pleasant and that in the long run, in the end, they will be the one to save us and care for us no matter what. â€Å"Action speaks louder than words†           The unfriendly gestures of the Sentinelese warriors is enough hint that they don’t want to be disturbed. Visitors are not welcome to the people of the island and as civilized people we too must understand that they want it that way. They too have the right to be in peace no matter what crime they committed because in the first place, it was the civilized people who made their lives miserable and killed their tribesmen. We cannot blame them from being defensive, that’s all they have aside from themselves, their family and their tribe. In the end, maybe it is rightful to leave them alone and let tehm have a time of their own rather than keep of disturbing the peace they have. Isolation            Maybe at this point, that is what they all wanted. They want to be away from the many things that life has to offer and probably, it is the only way they know to protect themselves. It was already a long time ago when the whole world was dealing with the ice age and that people weren’t like the people there is right now. As far as the people can understand it, back on to those times, â€Å"people-like†beings existed and later on developed into more human-like beings. Their evolution resulted to different races in present and at the same time,            It is not quite unreasonable for the Sentinelese to forbid themselves from the modernization or the coming of civilization in their tribe. Perhaps, what they really wanted was to avoid it and live a peaceful life with themselves, away from the busy people walking in busy streets and maybe all they really wanted was to continue living life fishing using arrows and be just the way they are. We don’t have any idea what they really wanted, what they prefer to live with for the rest of their lives but their actions and gestures tells so much already, we better leave them alone, they like it that way.
Friday, January 10, 2020
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Thursday, January 2, 2020
The World War I, The Australian Home Front - 1702 Words
During World War I, the Australian home front was impacted by a long and varying list of occurrences during the period of time between the years of 1914 to 1918. The home front was influenced politically through the arguments over the conscription vote and as Australia became divided between the different war beliefs. It was also influenced by social change, as the use of censorship drastically altered the Australians’ views of war and women began to pick up odd jobs in order to assist the soldiers as very few of them were allowed to directly help as nurses in Gallipoli. There were also extreme economic alterations as the wages in Australia were pushed down and prices were pushed up, and the country discarded major trade partners who had become their enemy. *** The Australian home front during WWI was drastically altered politically through the conscription vote that Billy Hughes, Prime Minister of Australia, believed necessary. 50,000 Australian men had signed up for the war before the year of 1914 had come to an end – which was a rate of over 10,000 per month – but the enlistment numbers dropped way down to 6,000 for the month of the Gallipoli landing in 1915. Once again, however, the numbers rose sharply on the home front after the news of the landing came back home, as many wished to avenge their fallen countrymen, and nobody could question the solemnity of the conflict. With five whole divisions overseas, Australia had to stay committed to their recruitment for theShow MoreRelatedThe Impact On The Australian Home Front1244 Words  | 5 Pagesafter the outbreak of World War I, an immense wave of support flooded Britain from her ally, Australia. All Australian political parties, community leaders, newspapers and churches were on-board with this major movement to help the mother country. All believed it was a morally right and necessary commitment . World War I, 1914 – 1918 had a significant and long lasting impact on the Australian home front. ‘The civilian population ’ had to undergo many changes to cater for the war. At this time women’sRead MoreWomen During World War II1731 Words  | 7 Pagesbeginning of World War II saw Australians see war on their shores for the first time, as well as having to travelling overseas to fight another war. It required young men to leave their country to fight, this affected the women who were left behind. 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