Friday, September 4, 2020
Federal law enforcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Government law requirement - Essay Example he study is to have the option to introduce the activities and enhancements in safety efforts that are finished by the various authorities that are accountable for the law authorization in the United States moving mostly in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Secret Service and the Central Intelligence Agency. In the United States, it tends to be seen that the law requirement is reliant on the wards of the various gatherings that are liable for executing the laws that can be characterized based on the territory, the state and national concerns. In the examination attempted which is coordinated to the assault in the World Trade Center, being a national and universal concern, the significant law implementers of the US are placed into center and investigation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Secret Service and the Central Intelligence Agency are the principle bunches that are liable for keeping the American land and the populace living in its region sheltered and liberated from hurt explicitly fear mongering. In case of such catastrophe, the adequacy of the activities and measures that are embraced to battle wrongdoings such law implementation bunches is being referred to. Besides, an examination on the activities embraced to improve the security executed is in need not exclusively to decide the effectiveness of the said gatherings yet to improve the certainty of the populace. The particular capacities and activities on the improvement of the said agencies are then the primary issue investigated in the examination. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is one of the most significant divisions in the US Federal Government with the primary strategic maintain the law and shield the individuals from various sorts of dangers. Besides, it is considered as one of the primary capable experts in the September 11 World Trade Center assault because of the communicated need of the said gathering to shield the United States from assaults of the fear based oppressors (â€Å"Quick Fact†FBI). In light of the investigation
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
LEACH protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks Research Paper - 1
Filter convention in Wireless Sensor Networks - Research Paper Example Low vitality versatile grouping chain of command (LEACH) is an interchanges convention that has defeated a portion of the confinements of different directing conventions on remote sensor systems. It is chiefly implied for remote sensor systems where an end client means to remotely screen and control his/her condition. To accomplish this, information acquired from different hubs is sent to a central base station in the sensor systems; which empowers the end client to get to the system. Remote sensor systems have discovered use in the economy generally and thusly the need to deal with the vitality requirements. Confinement, combination, and directing have been the zones of interests particularly in managing the imperatives of vitality in the remote sensor systems. Vitality is determinant in the term and lifetime of the framework. Numerous investigations and progressions have been done to fathom vitality the board in different remote sensor hubs. Group directing conventions have likewis e been improved to expand vitality the executives in WSNs. It is obvious that bunching is one of the most demonstrated methods of drawing out the lifetime of systems for the remote sensor systems which are vitality compelled .The dissemination of vitality in systems has been at the Center stage for the powerful working and lifetime of frameworks. Remote dispersion microsensor frameworks empower numerous systems found in the military and open space. The dispersal of vitality is subsequently significant in the remote systems since it decides their adequacy and unwavering quality. The conversation in the underneath paper will break down five surveyed scholarly diaries to investigate the proposal explanation that; the low vitality versatile bunching order convention (LEACH) distinguishes the shortcomings on the system by transmitting and examining the periodical inquiries from the unified hub and builds the life expectancy of the sensor hubs by
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Efficiency in Manufacturing Process free essay sample
An investigation of proficient assembling process in the car business. This paper analyzes process normalization in assembling inside the car business. Issues, for example, designation of obligation, task the executives, and procedure the board, just as issues of goals, are delineated. General Motors, Toyota, Rayloc, Continental Teves, and Tower Automotive are remembered for the conversation. Procedure normalization in car industry started at the appearance of the century when Henry Ford presented mechanical production system large scale manufacturing. At the time presentation of sequential construction system creation was viewed as progressive. Be that as it may, today when car organizations expand upon this establishment they are confronting progressively complex hierarchical issues. Ability to determine issues has gotten basic for hierarchical effectiveness. Tower Automotives issue is one of hierarchical procedure and methodology. Issues of this nature emerge when areas of the mechanical production system is upset. Issues could go from administrative, where appointment duties are not imparted in clear and composed terms; errands where the undertaking finish time and task has not been cleared or it could be regarding creation line where process the executives isn't viable. We will compose a custom exposition test on Proficiency in Manufacturing Process or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page To illustrate, the scientist takes the case of General Motors work process. As indicated by creator Michael Maccoby [1997] comprehension of Americas vehicle enterprises, work process require strengthening from the administration side and duty from the laborers. It requires normalization. GM before the use of lean assembling, confronted issues of tight, normalized, dreary undertaking, redundancy and vacation. Laborers at the plant were discontent at the sort of work they do, chiefs communicated disillusionment at laborers execution and the administration was overwhelmed at the consequence of creation. At the point when the organization followed the lead of Toyota Motors lean assembling process, it made a solidarity.
Is Divorce Right or Wrong Essay Example
Is Divorce Right or Wrong? Article Separation implies that one Party views the marriage as having separated hopelessly. In current society separate is only an unavoidable truth and one out of three relationships presently end in separation and there are numerous variables that add to this that I will expand in this paper. There is additionally a Religious perspective to separate, in Hinduism just the most minimal stations could separate until 1955. In Islam just the man can give a separation. In Buddhism the couple settle on choices dependent on the five statutes. In Christianity god is disappointed with individuals who separate from dependable mates Malachi 2:14-16. In this exposition the religion I will focus on is Judaism. The Social Issues In this segment I will cover the social issues encompassing separation, the explanations behind the ascent in the separation rate and the manner in which organizations have abused the ascent in separate from rate. Indeed, even in todays society when separation is normal practice it is as yet a delicate issue. Families are destroyed, kids are damaged and shared things must be sold regardless of whether they have wistful worth. There are a considerable number of social issues encompassing separation which I will expand in this article. We will compose a custom exposition test on Is Divorce Right or Wrong? explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Is Divorce Right or Wrong? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Is Divorce Right or Wrong? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer One of every three UK relationships come up short and end in separate yet it can regularly be the best thing particularly if kids are included. It is obviously better for youngsters to have one parent than two that continually contend. Regardless of the ascent in separation and its social acknowledgment in present day society it is as yet an individual disaster. Purposes behind separation There are numerous reasons why a couple may decide to get separated :cash issues and joblessness ; their life partner has changed ; they are being exploited ; and change in sexual direction. The couple may likewise have criticized one another or simply acknowledged how little they pondered getting hitched in any case. The law Separation in the UK used to be just possible for reasons of infidelity until 1923 when a long string of law changes encompassing separation started. In 1923 another law permitting ladies to separate under indistinguishable terms from men, in 1937 separation due to renunciation and madness was presented. Later in 1949 legitimate guide was made accessible, this empowered even the poor to separate. In 1969 a couple could separate upon understanding following a two-year partition or without understanding following a five-year detachment. In 1984 a couple could apply for separate after only one year of marriage. In 1995 no-flaw separate was presented and in 1996 you could separate in light of marriage disappointment after a time of reflection and consideration. In the UK either gathering would now be able to take the care of kids. Presently the reason for a lawful separation are: * Adultery * Unreasonable conduct, for instance, dormancy, over the top drinking, savagery, closeness with another man/lady, keeping your life partner preposterously shy of cash and so forth. * A two-year partition and them being in understanding over the separation or without understanding following a five-year division. * Two-long stretches of abandonment. How kids and guardians adapt As recently referenced separations can be excruciating and passionate. These emotions are regularly more noteworthy when kids are included. The concerns and grief in this field is most likely more intense than some other piece of the separation. I myself have no close to home involvement with this field yet I know loved ones who have. This is a troublesome subject to manage in light of the fact that numerous youngsters won't talk about their folks separate with anyone, not even their folks, so they should look for help from the Internet or a book. It isn't inside a childs capacity to stop a separation, the guardians must choose for themselves. This can be discomforting for a youngster, particularly an adolescent, since it causes them to feel that they are not in charge of their own life. The guardians must attempt to work things out before separation and advise the kid this to assist them with agreeing that it is the best activity. The progressions that occur in the childs life when their folks separation can be discomforting however they should recollect, and the parent must advise them that things will settle down. A few guardians believe that it is a smart thought to let the youngster conclude whom to live with and this is a smart thought once the kid is a specific age. In particular the guardians and youngsters MUST discuss the circumstance and how everything will be better a short time later, its preferable to have one parent over two who dont get along. The child(ren) must recollect that a separation isn't the finish of an upbeat connection between the guardians and that since they don't cherish each other it doesnt mean they love them any less. Youngsters adapt in one of three different ways. The main path is to contain the sentiments inside. This is a terrible thing since this leaves emotions unheard and un-managed. This can prompt young self-hurt, mental anguish or even self destruction. On the off chance that a kid is in this circumstance and feels incapable to address a parent about it they should call one of the numerous helplines which are accessible. The subsequent route is to converse with a parent. This is a decent way to deal with separate and ordinarily finishes with the kid understanding why it is best for the entire nuclear family. The last route is to converse with a companion with understanding, an educator or any individual who can help. On the off chance that the youngster feels incapable to converse with a parent this is another acceptable way. Why has the separation rate expanded in the course of the most recent twenty years? Taken from Thinking through religions by Chris Wright, Carrie Mercier, Richard Bromley and David Worden In the course of the last twenty to multi year the pace of UK separate has been going up at last arriving at its pinnacle of 155000 in the mid 1990s. Presently the quantity of separations is 141000 every year, that is one in each three relationships finishing off with separate. The outline above shows numerous purposes behind the ascent in separate from rate however there are others. The expansion in future, in spite of the fact that not a quick idea, assumes an indispensable job. In the event that individuals live to be 70-80, at that point a deep rooted marriage will be 50-60 years. In 1960 the future was 69 and in 1890 it was 48. This makes deep rooted relationships 20-30 years longer. Another factor is the finish of the housewife. Ladies go to fill in just as men meaning it is less handy to have enormous families and furthermore making a ready situation for infidelity. Since divorced people can so effectively remarry individuals are bound to separate while before not many individuals would wed a divorced person. On the off chance that men are to blame the lady would now be able to start the separation, until 1923 just the man could begin it now the two gatherings can. The last explanation is the acknowledgment of separation in current society. Separated from individuals would have been glanced down on during the 1800s and mid 1900s now they are close to as basic spot as wedded couples. The abuse of separation and divorced people There is a lot of abuse of separation and divorced people. In this area I will especially concentrate on Quickcourt(r). Quickcourt are an American organization from Arizona. A progression of machines, which appear as though ATM machines, has been set up all through Arizona. One accomplice needs to go up to one of these machines and an on-screen councilor asks, Are you certain you need to get separated? On the off chance that the appropriate response is indeed, at that point the two accomplices subtleties must be placed in just as the subtleties of any kids they may have. The machine prints out a structure, which must be taken to an agent in the court building. The marriage will have been ended when he/she leaves the structure in a procedure that takes under twenty minutes. In Arizona you can get separated from more effectively than getting a driving permit! Somewhere in the range of 1994 and 2000 Quickcourt handled in excess of 10,000 separations. The normal age of the accomplices wa s 28. Quickcourt is a terrible thing since it empowers a separation to happen without the information on the two accomplices. It makes separate from similarly as simple, if not simpler, than marriage. Quickcourt was intended to decrease the requirement for court staff and make separate from simpler, yet has it made separation excessively simple? The Religious Issues-Judaism Albeit these days separate is regularly thought as a carefully legitimate event there is frequently still a solid strict component. As referenced in the principal passage, various religions permit separate in specific situations, in certain religions it is necessary to separate in specific conditions. Marriage Marriage is significantly esteemed in Judaism since family and the house are the focal point of strict practice. A man without a lady is destined to a presence without delight, without gift, without lifes genuine goodness, without Torah, without security and without harmony Talmud. A cheerful marriage makes a decent situation for raising a family. Marriage empowers the two accomplices to create as complete people. The service keeps going twenty to thirty minutes, and comprises of the kiddushin and the nisuin. Kiddushin is the place the lady of the hour approaches and circles the husband to be. Over wine, two gifts are discussed: one the standard gift and the other with respect to the rules identified with marriage. The man at that point puts the ring on womans finger and says Be blessed (mekudeshet) to me with this ring as per the Law of Moses and Israel. Jews likewise accept that Jews ought to wed Jews in light of the fact that a non-Jew would not get them anyway in present day Juda ism out-marriage is normal however it implies the quantity of strict Jews is falling. Try not to intermarry with them [, those of different grounds and faiths]. Try not to give your girls to their children or take their little girls for your children, for they will dismiss your children from tailing me to serve different divine beings, and the Lords outrage will consume against you and will rapidly devastate you. Deuteronomy 7:3-4 Jewish Laws about Di
Friday, August 21, 2020
Italian Book Club Linguality - Parallel Text
Italian Book Club Linguality - Parallel Text Perusing Italian writing can be requesting for non-local speakers. Oftentimes alluding to a word reference gets repetitive, and, except if you wear blinders, turning to the equal content adaptation (Italian and English next to each other) of a specific work turns into a pointless activity as you attempt to deflect your eyes from the English interpretation. With the consistent wellbeing net of an English interpretation only a look away, its hard to submit your mind to the select assignment of retaining Italian. Luckily, theres another approach to peruse as of late distributed Italian fiction and verifiable nearly as easily as perusing books in English-the Linguality Italian Book Club. Italian Literature? Mama, Oui!Linguality, situated in Cambridge, MA, was established by a group with broad involvement with unknown dialect distributing, college instructing, and academic research. Linguality’s French Book Club appeared in 2007 and immediately earned honors from perusers and language specialists the same. Six times each year, contemporary French books are republished with an English presentation, broad English glossaries, and writer meets in French on sound CD. Given the accomplishment of that adventure, the organization chose to fan out, and propelled an Italian Book Club. No Dictionary RequiredThe advancement in Lingualitys Italian Book Club arrangement is the configuration. The first unknown dialect content is set on each right-hand page, and a broad English glossary, on the contrary page, permits perusers to see the meaning of bolded words in setting. At the point when the main choice was discharged, Walter Veltroni, famous Italian creator, writer, previous Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage, and previous civic chairman of Rome, announced that: Its what could be compared to a captioned film! Actually, the glossary sections act progressively like turbocharged captions, boosting perusers understanding and jargon. Ordinarily there are more than 2,000 sections for each book characterizing each troublesome word and articulation, wiping out the requirement for a word reference. As Lingualitys distributer, Wes Green, says: ...a non-familiar speaker doesnt need a total translation...or a word reference. The person just opens the book and starts perusing in the unknown dialect. Italian Book Club Membership Has PrivilegesAnother preferred position of the Linguality Italian Book Club is that all books are finished, unedited writings the first form that local Italians read as well. Supporters likewise get a sound CD with a 30-to 45-minute discussion in Italian with the writer, incorporating a transcript with glossary of the exchange as a supplement in the book. The distributer suggests that perusers have finished what might be compared to two years of school Italian. While each title is sufficiently clarified, tenderfoots may at present think that its hard to battle with the writings. With their uncommonly commented on releases of Italian books, the Linguality Italian Book Club offers a novel strategy for those looking to significantly improve their Italian language aptitudes. Rather than sitting tight for the English form of a famous Italian book (barely any unknown dialect titles are ever converted into English at any rate), Italian language students can remove the blinders and read the first without depending on the word reference. Italian Book ListA membership to Lingualitys Italian Book Club incorporates six hard-bound books with writer meets on CD. Titles in the arrangement include: Va dove ti porta il cuore (Follow Your Heart) by Susanna Tamaro La scoperta dellalba (The Discovery of the Dawn) by Walter Veltroni Mamma Mia! by Fabrizio Blini Nel momento (In an Instant) by Andrea De Carlo LOrda (The Hoard) by Gian Antonio Stella Il buio e il miele (The Darkness and the Honey) by Giovanni Arpino
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Word Trivia for English Language Lovers
Word Trivia for English Language Lovers (1) Calling all you wonderful word nerds! In a celebration of one of the most popular lingua franca on the planet, we have gathered a few little-known English facts that may shock, surprise and delight. There are thousands of words in the English language. Make sure your work uses those words correctly with an EasyBib Plus grammar check free for up to 5 grammar suggestions. World champion All of those old papers saved on your computer are actually contributing to a greater cause. More than 80% of information saved on all computers in the world is in English making it the clear hardware dominance winner. It’s the climb Climbing halfway up a mountain is better than staying on flat ground but it can’t compete with reaching the summit. So it is no surprise that the direct translation of the adjective mediocre is halfway up a mountain. No small parts Where would the English language be without the little dot above the “iâ€? It’s called a tittle. Go ahead and blush, no one is looking. Unusual dream Unique and beautiful like a being from another dimension, the past tense version of the verb dreamt holds the distinct honor of being the only word in English that ends in “mtâ€. The classic Some things are too good to ever go out of style. The noun town is the oldest word still used in the English language, but it never looks out of place. A sound plan The “zip†in zip code actually means something. Zoning improvement plan is the acronym spelled out and we bet you’ll never forget it. Lone wolves The words silver, purple, orange and month do not rhyme with any other words, but that’s ok because they are awesome on their own. Looking sleepy Take a closer peek at the word bed and what do you see? If “b†is the headboard and “d†is the foot, “bed†may just be the coziest looking word of all. Word of all trades Set has 464 definitions in the Oxford dictionary making it the word with the most. Now that is what we call versatility. Travel safely We say it over the phone, on the street and so many other places, but you’ll never guess what it actually means. Goodbye is derived from an old English phrase that meant “god be with you†Create references like the ones below using the EasyBib MLA format generator or APA citation maker. Works Cited “30 Fun Facts about the English Language.†Lingoda, 10 Apr. 2018, By. “20 Titbits Of Word Trivia.†Every Word Counts, 28 Dec. 2017, “Interesting English Language Facts And Trivia.†English Express, 14 Dec. 2016, Jones, Paul Anthony. “100 Random Facts About The English Language.†The Huffington Post,, 8 Feb. 2015, For additional information related to a Works Cited MLA, how to do an annotated bibliography MLA, or an example of MLA format, explore our guides at www.!
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Circumcision Ethical Dilemma - Free Essay Example
Introduction A mother of a male newborn has given a signed consent for a circumcision to be performed while her husband had gone home to shower. Upon the fathers arrival, the nurse walked in to take the male newborn for the procedure and the father refused. Since the consent was signed while he was gone he became irate and could not come to an agreement with his wife. The mother of the newborn was Jewish and believed in circumcising following birth and the father had his own beliefs that did not support it. Identification of Principles from the ANA Code of Ethics Evidently, this ethical dilemma presents ethical principles such as autonomy, beneficence, fidelity, and veracity. Autonomy is defined when nurses support and respect the decisions patients make or the parent of the patient if under aged. Beneficence has to do with ensuring that the best care is given and doing what is righteous for the patient. Fidelity is the act of being accountable and trustworthy in following through with what is said will be done. Veracity pertains to ensuring patients are told the truth and making sure that all information is relayed despite the anxiety that may be caused (Ethical Practice: NCLEX-RN., n.d.). ANA Code of Ethics Related Principles In medical practice autonomy, beneficence and veracity are supported by ensuring proper consent and agreements are brought forth prior to treatment, procedures or investigations (Ethical Practice: NCLEX-RN., n.d.). However, it is important to know that the decisions made by patients or the parents of the patient should not be manipulated by medical staff. It is the duty of the nurse to provide factual information, obtain consent and answer any questions regarding the procedure (Definition of Autonomy, patient., 2017). During this dilemma, there is tension between the mother and father of the newborn, an important role of a nurse is to make an effort of creating a calm and peaceful environment. Part of creating this calm atmosphere is to ensure parents are educated properly on the purpose of circumcision and what is to be expected. This can be a sensitive matter due to the mother of the newborn feeling strongly about her religious background that supports her decision on her newborn h aving a circumcision performed. Health care professionals are to maintain their personal aspects and be respectful of the distinctiveness of each patient. Dilemma Outcome The mother of the newborn supported Judaism beliefs (Genesis 17: 9-14) which indicated that Abraham was instructed by God that he should circumcise himself as well as all of the men in home (Religions Judaism: Circumcision., 2009). Therefore, based upon her beliefs she felt it was important to circumcise, yet her husband still refused and did not believe the same. The then nurse informed the physician about the parents opposing perspectives in regard to the procedure and left it up to his discretion to make a decision about moving forward or not since consent was only given by the mother. According to LaMance, K. (2018), each state has their own laws about requiring one parental consent versus both. In many cases some healthcare providers will not proceed with treatment or procedures if there is one objecting parent because of the concern of having a law suit filed against them (LaMance, K., 2018). As a result, the healthcare provider recommended for the parents to come to a full ag reement in order for the procedure to take place or not. Clinical Agency to Assist Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas In this matter, for the newborn circumcision can be seen as not a medical necessity the goal of the hospital to offer unprejudiced information regarding the procedure. It is the responsibility of the nurse to ask if the parents want the procedure to be performed and to provde teaching about what to expect and answer any questions of the circumcision. The healthcare provider may also answer any questions or concerns but is not to persuade parents to make a decision upon their own perspective. Autonomy plays a major role in this matter because it indicates respect for patient decisions.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Why Animals Have No Rights Essay - 1365 Words
Throughout history, humans have utilized nonhuman animals for the benefit of mankind. This tendency increased as civilization developed, and presently, necessitated by staggering population growth and technological progress, human use of animals has skyrocketed. We eat them, we breed them, we use them as test subjects. Some people have begun to question the ethics of it all, sparking a debate on animal treatment and whether or not they have rights. In a paper on the subject, Carl Cohen lays out his definition of rights, explains their relationship with obligations, and uses these ideas to present the argument that manifests clearly in his piece’s title, â€Å"Why Animals Have No Rights†. THESIS Cohen defines rights as â€Å"a claim that one party may exercise against another†(339). He explains that there are many different types of rights: some moral, some legal; some held by a single person, others held by groups; all differing in what the right entitles one to. Above all this, however, Cohen stresses that rights are a concept rooted in morality. They arise out of the necessity for self-governance among a community, providing standards of conduct that beget personal protection and safety. Therefore, the argument continues that the holders of rights must only be those who are capable of comprehending such concepts as morality and duty and right against wrong. After all, standards can only be held to subjects capable of understanding and achieving them. Because humans are the onlyShow MoreRelatedWhy Animals Shouldn t Have A Bill Of Rights1503 Words  | 7 Pageswhen it comes to granting new rights, because it’s brobdingnagian in our society that is always hu ngry for freedoms. We are split down the middle on whether, or not to consider animals, just like us, and thus deserve the rights we hold in our society today. On the other end, are people who don’t believe such rights should be given to animals. While the pro-arguments hold value, there is much more to see on the other end. As to why animals shouldn’t have a â€Å"Bill of Rights†like we as humans do. It’sRead MoreAnimal Rights Should Be Legal1240 Words  | 5 Pagesresearch paper will be talking about animal rights. Animal rights is the rights for animals to be free of medical research, hunting, clothing, food, and entertainment. It is the belief that all animals are entitled to the possession of their own lives and should not have to suffer from humans. (Liou, 2010) The belief is opposite of those who believe in speciesism. Speciesism is the idea that humans and their rights are above animals. The people who are against animal rights are known as s peciesist. (Bennett-JonesRead MoreThe Fight For Animal Rights1660 Words  | 7 PagesRise of the Movement why did it come about? why did it appeal to people? The fight for animal rights is one that has been going on for centuries. â€Å"The new emphasis upon animals feelings of sensation in the eighteenth century brought growing criticism of some forms of cruelty. Doubts about the ethics of castrating domestic animals were raised as early as 1714. (Guither, 1998, p.1) According to Guither (1998), London was the first to encourage the prevention of animal cruelty in 1824 where itRead MoreThe Ethics Of Animal And Animal Rights990 Words  | 4 PagesThe study of good and bad, right and wrong, moral principles or value held by a person or society, promoting human welfare, maximizing freedom minimizing pain and suffering is called ethics. The discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings and also the value and moral status of the environment and its non-human contents is called environmental ethics. It considers the ethical relationship between the humans and the environment. Animal and animal rights are the highlighted topic inRead MoreAnimal Cruelty Should Not Be A Big Deal1415 Words  | 6 PagesAnimal Cruelty Almesha Jones (Mesha) Introduction and Background All around the world, people are abusing animals. Animal cruelty is a big deal because some people do not look at animals as being important; some people do not see a problem with hurting them. Animal cruelty can be define as being a malicious treatment that can cause undue pain or being mistreated. Seeing an animal get brutalize by some humans seems to be cruel. Getting kicked in the ribs, left for starvation and even used for entertainmentRead MoreAnimal Rights And Human Rights923 Words  | 4 Pages Animal Rights â€Å"Nearly as many, 68 percent, were concerned or very concerned about the well-being of animals used in ‘sports’ or contests as well as animals in laboratories (67 percent) (Kretzer, 1).†Many people question whether an animal is capable of thought and emotions. Others feel as though animals are the equivalent of humans and should be treated as such. Since the 1800’s, animal rights has been a topic that has several different sides including two extremes. If animals can react to theirRead MoreA Brief Note On Animal Rights And Welfare1137 Words  | 5 PagesGarrett Sargent Paper 5 – Animal Rights and Welfare 11 June 2015 Section 1 Singer is a utilitarian that promotes all animals are equal, however, believes that some animals have different capacities for pain and happiness (text, 119). The latter part of the last statement is used to defend why saving a human is better than saving an animal, and also why a hunter is not equivalent to a murderer. As a utilitarian, Singer believes in maximizing good and is why he is able to claim that it is betterRead MoreAnimal Testing is Wrong! Essay923 Words  | 4 Pagesis how animals everyday are treated, we have to stop this now! Millions of animals are killed in laboratories everyday with no chance to object to what the testers are about to do to them. Animals feel as much pain as humans do so why does it make it okay to test on them when they are so alike to humans? Every day people test makeup, shampoos, and medicines on animals, the strange thing is that animals have different skin, hair, and internal organs than humans have. Since the animals have differentRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Is The Death1426 Words  | 6 Pagesevery day, every hour, every minute, every second. From animals that can be our pets to wild ones. We do this so we can test products that humans will use. So we don’t risk ourselves or our family members. Although most think animal testing is great it’s clearly not because, these experiments kill these animals all the time, we’ve found better ways to do this testing of products, and it cost tons of money for our country. The worst thing about animal experimentation is the death. One of the many reasonsRead MoreAnimals And Society : An Introduction To Human Animal Studies907 Words  | 4 PagesScientifically testing an animal is another way people abuse animals. When testing on animals, it causes them harm throughout their life. In the book Titled â€Å"Animals and Society: An introduction to Human-Animal Studies†by Margo DeMello he explains how animals hurt from birth to their last breathe. DeMello says, â€Å"Animals used for medical experiments and product testing live – from birth until death – often painful, lonely lives in small cages†(p. 237). These animals are kept in laboratories to test
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Effects Of Mild Sleep Deprivation - 951 Words
Everyone is tired. It seems as if no one ever gets enough sleep. An adult should average about 8-9 hours of sleep within a 24-hour period. However, for a majority of people this is just not reality. As students and faculty try to balance their busy schedules they are getting less and less sleep; they are sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation can be broken down into three categories: mild, moderate, and chronic. Mild sleep deprivation is losing about one hour to an hour and a half of sleep in a night. If this continues for a few days, it becomes moderate. Chronic sleep deprivation is regularly not getting enough sleep. â€Å"If you can fall asleep really quickly, as in, you put your head on the pillow and you are sleeping within a few minutes, then you are sleep deprived. Usually it will take 10-15 minutes to fall asleep,†said University of Sioux Falls Professor Mike Grevlos. The main side effect of mild sleep deprivation is simply drowsiness. â€Å"After one night of losing sleep people will feel drowsy unless they stimulate themselves in order to mask it,†said Grevlos. Other side effects of sleep deprivation: increased irritability, moodiness, difficulty maintaining attention, and a weakened immune. With chronic sleep deprivation there is also the possibility of high blood pressure and heart disease. â€Å"The most common problem with chronic sleep deprivation is cognitive and mood issues. In general, it affects our ability to think,†said Grevlos. To mask the symptoms of sleepShow MoreRelatedSleep Deprivation And Its Effects On Nurses Essay1532 Words  | 7 PagesSleep Deprivation and Its Effects on Nurses The reason humans need sleep is not fully understood, but it is seen to have extremely important functions and can cause serious effects if individuals do not get enough sleep. Sleep disorders have been seen to cause serious side affects on individuals, especially those who work twelve-hour shifts or shiftwork. The purpose of the paper is to explore sleep disorders and possible treatments. Generally, individuals need seven to nine hours of sleep eachRead MoreSleep Deprivation Essay883 Words  | 4 PagesOutline Sleeping Deprivation General Purpose: To inform. Specific purpose: Sleep is a precious gift that allows people to rest. Not getting enough rest on a constant basis can lead to greater problems, even death Organizational Pattern: Introduction I. Blame It On the Light Bulb.  College students and individuals around the world are suffering from a health problem that can be more detrimental to their health than some forms of cancer.  What is it?  Sleep Deprivation II. People areRead MoreRunning Head:Sleep Deprivation1329 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: SLEEP DEPRIVATION ​ 1 Sleep Deprivation Adolescent Development St. Joeseph’s College Professor McCambley 05/08/2017 Stephanie Lino Sleep Deprivation ​Sleep deprivation can effect development in a multitude of ways; it could be mental, emotional, or even physical. In some ways sleep deprivation is a very dangerous issue that can cause adolescents to have decreasedRead MoreSleep Deprivation Has Adverse Effects On Driving Performance.1700 Words  | 7 PagesSleep Deprivation Has Adverse Effects on Driving Performance It is difficult to constantly get sufficient sleep due to work and family related circumstances, and an estimated 15-30% of traffic accidents are directly related to driver drowsiness (Howard, Jackson, Kennedy, Swann, Barnes Pierce, 2007). 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 1330 Words
â€Å"...remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.†(90). Although, it’s not a crime to shoot one in the back seventeen times or send it to prison first for unjust reasons. It’s events like these that make people lose their innocents; in To Kill a Mockingbird, by Nelle Harper Lee, losing one’s innocents is just a pocket-sized trouble he or she has to worry about in Maycomb, Alabama. For Jean Louise, â€Å"Scout†, and Jeremy, â€Å"Jem†, Finch, growing up in the times of great economic depression and towering racial tension, losing innocents is a sure thing. Which is what sparks this page-turning, coming-off-age, classic; like all great literature of this caliber. Lee delves into a fundamental storyline nourished with interlocking themes of perspective, innocence, law-bending, and even bravery; all come across in a symbolic and profound way, deep in between the lines of Lee’s literary treasure. To begin, Lee’s concept of perspective, as explored in this novel, is that if a person can change their view it can cause a more authentic and truthful portrayal of the situation or person that is being viewed. For instance, Mrs.Dubose, the hostile neighbor who lives down the street from the Finches, is a thought to be women vile of heart and Jem ultimately mutilates all her flowers landscaped in her front yard in return for her ignorant comments.Consequently, Atticus formulates the punishment of reading to her for a specific time period every day, also associating with that a lesson of changingShow MoreRelatedKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1049 Words  | 5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird: How a Story could be based on True Events in Everyday LifeDaisy GaskinsCoastal Pines Technical Collegeâ€Æ'Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama. Her father was a former newspaper editor and proprietor, who had served as a state senator and practiced as a lawyer in Monroeville. Also Finch was known as the maiden name of Lee’s mother. With that being said Harper Lee became a writer like her father, but she became a American writer, famous for her race relations novel â€Å"ToRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee1000 Words  | 4 Pagesworld-wide recognition to the many faces of prejudice is an accomplishment of its own. Author Harper Lee has had the honor to accomplish just that through her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, a moving and inspirational story about a young girl learning the difference between the good and the bad of the world. In the small town of Monroeville, Alabama, Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926. Growing up, Harper Lee had three siblings: two sisters and an older brother. She and her siblings grew up modestlyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1290 Words  | 6 PagesHarper Lee published To Kill a Mockingbird during a rough period in American history, also known as the Civil Rights Movement. This plot dives into the social issues faced by African-Americans in the south, like Tom Robinson. Lee felt that the unfair treatment towards blacks were persistent, not coming to an end any time in the foreseeable future. This dark movement drove her to publish this novel hopeful that it would encourage the society to realize that the harsh racism must stop. Lee effectivelyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee873 Words  | 4 PagesIn the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee illustrates that â€Å"it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird†throughout the novel by writing innocent characters that have been harmed by evil. Tom Robinson’s persecution is a symbol for the death of a mockingbird. The hunters shooting the bird would in this case be the Maycomb County folk. Lee sets the time in the story in the early 1950s, when the Great Depression was going on and there was poverty everywhere. The mindset of people back then was that blackRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee96 3 Words  | 4 Pagesgrowing up, when older characters give advice to children or siblings.Growing up is used frequently in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Harper Lee uses the theme growing up in To Kill a Mockingbird to change characters opinion, develop characters through their world, and utilizes prejudice to reveal growing up. One major cause growing up is used in To Kill a Mockingbird is to represent a change of opinion. One part growing up was shown in is through the trial in part two of the novelRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1052 Words  | 5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place in Maycomb County, Alabama in the late 30s early 40s , after the great depression when poverty and unemployment were widespread throughout the United States. Why is the preconception of racism, discrimination, and antagonism so highly related to some of the characters in this book? People often have a preconceived idea or are biased about one’s decision to live, dress, or talk. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee examines the preconceptionRead MoreHarper Lee and to Kill a Mockingbird931 Words  | 4 PagesHarper Lee and her Works Harper Lee knew first hand about the life in the south in the 1930s. She was born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926 (Castleman 2). Harper Lee was described by one of her friends as Queen of the Tomboys (Castleman 3). Scout Finch, the main character of Lees Novel, To Kill a Mockinbird, was also a tomboy. Many aspects of To Kill a Mockingbird are autobiographical (Castleman 3). Harper Lees parents were Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. She was the youngestRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1695 Words  | 7 PagesIn To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee presents as a ‘tired old town’ where the inhabitants have ‘nowhere to go’ it is set in the 1930s when prejudices and racism were at a peak. Lee uses Maycomb town to highlight prejudices, racism, poverty and social inequality. In chapter 2 Lee presents the town of Maycomb to be poverty stricken, emphasised through the characterisation of Walter Cunningham. When it is discovered he has no lunch on the first day of school, Scout tries to explain the situation to MissRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1876 Words  | 8 PagesThough Harper Lee only published two novels, her accomplishments are abundant. Throughout her career Lee claimed: the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Goodreads Choice Awards Best Fiction, and Quill Award for Audio Book. Lee was also inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. This honor society is a huge accomplishment and is considered the highest recognition for artistic talent and accomplishment in the United States. Along with these accomplishments, herRead MoreKill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee1197 Words  | 5 Pagessuch as crops, houses, and land, and money was awfully limited. These conflicts construct Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, Lee establishes the concurrence of good and evil, meaning whether people are naturally good or naturally evil. Lee uses symbolism, characterization, and plot to portray the instinctive of good and evil. To Kill a Mocking Bird, a novel by Harper Lee takes place during the 1930s in the Southern United States. The protagonist, Scout Finch,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Compare and Contrast British, French, and Spanish Imperial...
Marcus Gravey stated that, â€Å"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.†With that being stated, are the people of the United States, Canada, and Mexico trees without roots? At a young age students learn that Christopher Columbus â€Å"sailed the ocean blue in 1492†, a simple song used to assist children remember that America was discovered in 1492. In addition, Thackeray and Findling describe how Columbus’s discovery presented an unimaginable amount of opportunity for Europeans, and therefore, Spanish, French, and later British explores and settlers began to flock to this new world. Although the only explanation we were presented regarding the reasoning or motives of this†¦show more content†¦With the defeat of the Spanish armada in 1588, Spain began a steady decline to a second rate power. Consequently shifting their original goal of exploring to maintaining or colonizing what lands they still possess. Spain’s goal of spreading Catholicism was undoubtable strengthened when the Pope sanctioned all Spanish efforts. Thus, slavery of Native Americans was justified, and would liberate them in the eyes of God. In effort to prevent British protestant influence, Spain declared that Non-Spanish citizens and Non-Spanish Christians were not permitted to settle in their borders. During this time period a nation’s wealth and power can be measured by the amount of land in which they possess. For example, Spain controlled a vast empire that stretched from modern California to Peru . The Spanish Empire was so vast that it had rivaled that of Ancient Rome. Although unlike the British and French, Spain established an empire of towns, and modern day Mexico City served as the center of Spanish control. Along with establishing the first university in the new world, Spain also established St. Augustine and Santa Fe as response to the British and French expansion efforts. British Imperial Goals: With the inspiration of Christopher Columbus, Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the world for a second time in 1580. Which undoubtedly laid the frame work for English colonization. In 1584
The Machine Gunners Part Two †Wolf Invasion Free Essays
‘Come back alive major, you are our best pilot. Do Germany proud’. Hitler saluted General Wolf Schmidt. We will write a custom essay sample on The Machine Gunners Part Two – Wolf Invasion or any similar topic only for you Order Now ‘Yes sir. Those British dogs will never know what hit them. They will pay for not accepting Nazi rule’. Wolf came from a wealthy family from Berlin. His dad owned a really important wine company. Wolf was bought up like a stubborn rich kid. He had graduated from Witshaufen Cadet School (one of the toughest army training schools in the world). He was also the best pupil in the history of the school. At the school, he never messed around with ‘riff raff’. He never went back home after that. He stayed and became one of the soldiers at the school, as it also was a military base. He was always either training or was out on a mission. The general’s reaction time was amazing. It was beyond normal human levels. Wolf also had a wife and a kid. He didn’t really care too much about his wife but thought the world of his son (he is his only weakness). To him his wife was only there to produce him a male heir to all his money and land (kind of like in medieval times). His son’s heart wasn’t stained with blood as his was. He was a sweet little boy and Wolf kept him away from the army and any type of fighting. He never really saw much of him anyway, enough to have the kid’s respect though. Hitler and Wolf were like brothers. They both felt the same way about people. They both had the same ideas and they both wanted power. ‘So long my friend’. Wolf ran to his fighter and climbed in. There were seven planes in the squadron (one person per plane) and wolf was squadron leader. His squadron also was fresh from the military school and this was their first proper mission. Wolf decided on saluting Hitler one more time. After about three minutes they were given the all clear, so they made there way to the runway. ‘Lets go destroy those English b*******’. Once they were at a decent altitude the squadron got into formation (a flying V). Wolf was at the front and middle. After about an hour or so Wolf saw the British coast. This island will soon be part of the German empire. They shall all suffer. Suddenly a stream of bullets came out of nowhere. Wolf quickly pulled his plane away from the bullets and before he knew it, he was in a vertical rise. Somehow he managed to pull out of it before it was too late. His fighter was not meant to go too high; the pressure would have made it explode. He looked around the surroundings but he could not find what shot the bullets. Next he checked his squadron. One plane was missing. Bruno! The fool! He was never too good at dodging. I was then informed that the remains of his plane were just off the coast. Great, just great (!?). Even if he managed to bail out of his plane he could not survive, he cannot swim. ‘Come on men. Never lose your concentration. There’s someone out there and we cannot see who it is and neither can our radar. Our country needs us. We shall reach our destination in 10 minutes’ Wolf informed the remaining pilots. ‘Sir, I see a group of Spitfires on the radar at a bearing of 340o at a range of 36 km and closing. They’ve spotted us general’. Wolf was actually pleased. He was a very strict soldier and always did what he was required to do. Although Wolf’s heart was evil, he always believed in fair fights. Each battle he was into him was only a fight of superiority. He was always looking for someone better than him and was still yet to find one. ‘Yes, I see them. Prepare yourself boys. This is what you’ve been trained to do now do it. Let’s avenge Bruno! Get into battle formation’. The Spitfires were now visible with the eye and so the battle began. Wolf recognised the leader of the other squadron and decided to take him out first. It looked like the other leader was going to do that anyway so both fighters flew towards each other. Wolf now began to fire the machine gun at him, but somehow he managed to dodge it. After that he did not have another chance to fire, as both ships were too close to each other. The general decided on flying past him instead and began to turn around. He then heard an explosion. ‘S***. We’ve lost Peter. Focus boys focus!’ he exclaimed. Next he saw that the British planes were teaming up on one of his guys. ‘Cowards!’ he thought. There was nothing more that he couldn’t stand (apart from Jews and other ‘weak people’) apart from an unfair battle while in fighter planes. As quick as a dart he made his way to them and took out the two Spitfires. That kill distracted his other pilots. The British noticed that to and before Wolf knew it there were four other explosions filled with the thoughts and flesh of the brave soldiers that died. Wolf wasn’t affected as much as a normal human would be when they saw the death of their partners. All that was going through his mind was that he should keep his judgement clear and then he realised what to do. Why should he play by the rules if no one else would? He then fired a missile at a Spitfire and began to fly toward another. He made sure that he was going at full speed and then he ejected. As he was falling he saw two explosions. One of a missile and a Spitfire and another of his plane and another Spitfire. It was too early to parachute and he was closing in on the ground at an alarming rate. He had no choice but to use the parachute. It saved his life. He still hit the ground hard but he kept his life. He then stood up and said, ‘I am German. I will be ok, right after thi s quick nap’. Wolf then fell onto the ground and fainted. Wolf woke up stiff and cold. It looked as if it was the night. He could not feel a bone in his body. He had to inform everyone that he was still alive and that they should come and pick him up. He couldn’t do anything sitting down so it only made sense to stand up. Once he stood up he realised that he had dislocated his ankle. It hurted too much and if he moved it would just get worse. There was nothing else he could do but just fall back to sleep, as calling for help would mean surrendering. He woke up next morning noticing that he was hungry. It felt like ages since he last had food. Somehow he had to get up and find some, but how. Then he realised what he could do. He reached down for his bad ankle and somehow he pushed it back into place. The noise it made would make someone sick. ‘That feels a lot better’ Wolf told himself. Now to look for food. It turned out that he was lucky as he landed on a farm and that there was food virtually everywhere and while he got his strength back he could hide in the cornfields so nobody could see him. A week passed and Wolf was feeling a lot better. He was completely used to everything but there were two things that were still bothering him and both were to do with water. The lack of drinking water (he was beginning to run low on his emergency water) and that he really needed a shower. One morning Wolf decided that it was time he must go. He must begin his trip back to Germany now; if he came back any later they might accuse him of spying for England. First he must go to the nearest town and get some basic needs. Only then can he go back. Wolf checked in his map to find out which town was the nearest, Garmath. ‘Prepare to face the oblivion Garmath, prepare’ he said. It took him ten minutes to get to the town of Garmath. He looked around to see anything that could be of use to him and then he saw it, the local shop. He entered the shop casually, closed the door and made his way to the counter. Everyone in the shop (about three people) were looking at him, must have been the odour that was with him. He the pulled out his silenced Lugar (his gun) and shot the cashier. Because of the silencer on the end of his gun, it did not make that that much noise, but enough to get the attention of everyone else in the shop. He was forced to shoot them too, if he did not they would call for help. Someone in the shop had a rucksack on. It would be useful so he emptied it out and filled it with some of the contents of the shop. After that he took all the money out of the shop’s till and from the customers. He had no idea how much money it would cost to hire a boat. He then hid his gun and casually made his way out of the shop feeling great about himself. Now he had to look around, get familiar with the town and try to find the port. Surely this town must have one. While he was looking around he found a massive house. Actually, it was a destroyed by a bomb, massive house. A perfect hiding place. It looked like nobody was using the place so no one could possibly find him there. He went in to the grounds and dumped his stuff somewhere in the ruins where no one in the street could see. Then he saw a boy running towards the other side of the grounds. He must have spotted me. I must kill him! Wolf ran as fast as he could towards the boy. While he was running Wolf saw what looked like a disguised bomb shelter. The kid was fast; there was no way Wolf could catch up with him before the kid got to the shelter. Ten seconds later Wolf was running into the shelter but it was probably something that he should not have done. ‘Quick! It’s a Jerrie!’ The same kid quickly dived for a machine gun. What the hell was going on? Since when did the British give their children German machine guns? Wolf decided on putting his arms up. He did not want his brains blasted out of his skull; his country still needed him. ‘Unarm him’ the boy said. He must be the leader of this gang. His gun and army knives were taken from him. Then he realised how stupid he had been, as the machine gun was not cocked. Thirteen year olds had outsmarted him. There were five boys and one girl there. The girl looked as if she acted like a boy, but at the moment she was behaving a like a girl (perhaps she had split personality?). ‘Chas, he looks tired, maybe we should let him sit down’ the girl said. So that’s what the gang leader’s name is. ‘And perhaps I could give him something to eat too. He looks as if he hasn’t had a decent thing for a month’. ‘Girls’ all the boys apart from the big one said at once. Perhaps she is their maid. If she is then why is she wearing the clothing of a middle class girl? I must escape from here. It was almost as if the big kid could read my mind as he walked to the door and blocked it. ‘Alright, let him sit and eat, Audrey’ Chas said. Another name I have found out. The big guy pointed the gun at me to make sure that I did not act ‘smart’. He cannot fire the gun in here. If he did the bullet will work like a pinball and we will all be killed. I cannot let that happen. The girl then gave me some soup. It has been ages since I had some warm food. I must warn them not to shoot the Lugar! ‘Please, do not shoot. The bullet will work as pinball’ I informed them in a German accent. ‘We do not care. I will not miss if I do shoot’ the big guy said. ‘Please put the gun away Clogger. It’s not as if he can do anything anyway’ a small guy said. WHAT! This cannot be right. He looks exactly like Ralph, my son. The resemblance is amazing. There is one difference however. This boy looks as if he has no one for him in this world. He does not look as confident as Ralph and looks weaker, both mentally and physically. How could this be? The odds against this happening are at least thirty billion to one if not an even lower possibility. Thinking about it was hurting my head. I had to somehow prevent these kids tell adults about me. First I have to make peace with them. ‘My name is Wolf. Wolf Schmidt. I come from Germany. My plane exploded a little while ago and I have been living in field since. I wish to get back to Germany but do not know how. Please help me’ I told them after my soup was finished. ‘We shall have to think about that. Until then you cannot leave our fortress’ Chas said. ‘My name is Chas. This is Audrey’ he pointed at the girl. ‘And those four are Nicky, Clogger, Cem and Carrots. I will leave you to guess which one is which’. ‘What are we going to do with him’ Cem said. Cem looked like a lanky boy. Being with the crowd he was with he was more than a lanky boy. As long as this gang were together and as long as they had the machine gun and the fortress it looks like they could do what ever they please. ‘We cannot let him go. He might tell someone about Fortress Capereto’ Carrots continued. ‘But how can we keep him here? What if he outsmarts us? If he catches us off guard who knows what he will do’ Audrey explained. I could tell that her boyish personality was in control now. ‘I shall do nothing of that sort. I am your prisoner now. It is all in the Geneva Convention’ I told them. Little did they know that that was exactly what I was going to do? I had to get rid of Chas and Clogger, without them the group would fall to pieces and then I could do what I want to them. For the next couple of hours I told them about my life. I didn’t tell them too much, just enough to let them know I was a good soldier. I never told them how good I was. I never managed to finish the story of my life, so I told them I’d finish it tomorrow. The little guy, Nicky, was growing on me. Out of all of the kids I met today I liked him best. I didn’t know why but I was starting to feel something for him. Must be because he reminds me so much of Ralph. During the day I found out that he had nearly the same personality as Ralph as well. Over the night I thought over the plan I was going to use to escape. To escape I need to catch the children off guard and make sure they don’t tell anyone about me. That was the obvious thing, but while I was in England I might as well have some fun. If the British managed to take out the best German fighter, (even if they did gang up on me) they could easily wipe all the fighters out. I need to weaken the British army while I’m here. Then I could escape and get back to Germany. ‘If there is one thing that I have learnt out of all this’ I told myself. ‘Is that I am a genius’. It turns out that Clogger and Ralph, I mean Nicky are staying in this fortress with me. I was tired so I then fell asleep on a spare bed (if you would call it a bed) that they gave me. I woke up next morning by the sound of birds. Blast them! Couldn’t they let me have some peace and quiet? Don’t get me wrong I normally wake up early, but with the little sleep I’ve been getting it’s getting hard to stay up. It turns out that everyone was already awake. It also turns out that Chas and the rest of the people who went home yesterday had already turned up. ‘What is the time?’ I asked them. I had gone for a long time without having a proper idea of what the time was. ‘I would also like to know the date it is today’. ‘The time is 11 am and it is 4th January today’ Cem told me. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It had already been half a month since I took off from Germany. I really hope Ralph is ok. Another thing I can’t believe. How could I not wake up till 11 ‘o’ clock? During the day I carried on telling them my story and after I finished each one of them told me theirs. Clogger was the only one who never told us his life story. He didn’t feel as if he had to. It turns out that Nicky’s parents have all passed away, and that the wrecked home where I was going to make my head quarters was his home before his mother died. Wolf felt so sorry for him. It also turned out that he was apparently ‘dead. During the next month they got to know each other better. Wolf was still looking for the right moment to escape. He was so annoyed that he didn’t have the chance already. The boys were even taking him out now. Having a prisoner cramped in their fortress was not a good thing to do so they decided that they would take him on outings. Places nobody else went so that nobody would see them walking around with a German. Another reason for that was that it would be suspicious for them to see Nicky if he is meant to be dead. One time when Carrots took me out I had my chance to escape, it was then that I realised that it would be better if I stayed with them for the time being. They might somehow get me a boat in the future. If I do escape they have already warned me that they will tell everyone about my existence in England. If they did that I would never be able to leave the country. Carrots and I were separated when this happened. By now I knew my way back to the fortress so I just walked back. I could’ve finished Carrots off but they knew I was with him and then I would be caught and I would never make my way back to Germany. Now they trust me a lot more. I have been living in Garmath for 3 months. They trust me enough to let me go out once a week by my self, but I had to come back by a certain time or they would raise the alarm. I had some respect growing for the kids. They were tough in their own way. Nicky was like a son to me and I was like a father to him. I had even told him about his resemblance to Ralph. He was pleased about that. Clogger still never trusted me. He could see right through me. He knew what my plan was. I had to get rid of him but I still have not had the chance to do that either. When I woke up next day it looked like I could go out by myself today. Clogger was also coming out too, but not with me. Just to make it even better I saw something unguarded. It was something was actually dangerous, my pistol. No one was looking so I quickly snatched it and hid it in my clothing. It was the chance that I was waiting for all this time. I can now get rid of Clogger. This all had to be perfect. I could not do this wrong. If I did I would probably never get another chance again. We left around the same time as each other and we were both heading for the woods in the ground. He was going to the town on the other side of the woods as he was meant to be in Scotland and I was going to the cliffs, which are also in that direction. ‘Hey Clogger, please come over here. I feel sick’ I lied. He was actually falling for it. He was walking closer to me. ‘What’s your problem?’ he asked me. ‘You are’ I replied. I got out my gun and I did it. It was all over in a couple of seconds. He never knew what was coming to him. I decided on burying his body so nobody would ever find him for a long time. I then carried on with my trip to the cliffs. Once I got home everyone was wondering where Clogger was. I told them that I had not seen him. They were all getting worried. Especially Nicky, I had never seen him like this before. ‘I’m sorry Nicky’ I thought to myself. Clogger was like a brother to him. They all stayed at the fortress late but they all had to go, their own loved would be worrying about them now. I was told to keep a good eye on Nicky. Funny how there was a violent storm that night. Actually it wasn’t, Nicky was getting really scared. I had to stay up and comfort him. After all, it was my fault that he is scared and he is like a son to me. Obviously, Clogger never came back. He was gone for good. Chas knew what I did. I could see it in the look in his eyes. What could he say though, his friend had murdered another friend and the only person he could tell was even more friends who wouldn’t believe him if he told them. I had to get rid of Chas. This time for two reasons. As a friend, I should put him out of his misery, and as his enemy, I feel that he must die (he could get in the way of the Nazi cause in the future). I thought that Nicky’s attitude would change but he missed Clogger too much. It had to be done. There was no other alternative for me. Chas remained cold to me. I could tell that the pressure was building up inside of him. He was going to tell someone soon and he had to be dealt with, quick. I really hated taking the lives from children but it had to be done. Chas was as easy to dispose of as Clogger was. I even buried them in the same place and had their own funeral, one that only I attended. There were tears flowing down my eyes, but the only thing that kept me going was the fact that sooner or later, I would go back to Germany. 1/2 a year passed and Nicky and I were more closer to each other than ever. The rest of the gang didn’t come as often now. There was no point. I decided not to kill them in the end. I would not be able to live with myself. I could now do as I please. On one occasion I thought I should warm up before I go to Germany so I broke into a military base. Only a small one; I would have no chance in the bigger ones. Once I got in I decided on what I could do. Why hadn’t I thought of it before? Was I going soft? I stole into the weapons hanger and I found the mother of all weapons. The latest explosives out and they had a lot of them. This is exactly what I needed. I refilled my Lugar wit ammo and I also took some other weapons including grenades. Now how was I to carry all of this? I know, I can ‘borrow’ one of their vans. I got a van and filled her up with even more weapons. Then I drove the van out of the base. The mission wasn’t over yet. I had to lay three explosives in the various buildings. I sprinted towards the buildings and planted them. Once I got back I realised that I only needed to detonate one so that’s what I did. The explosion took out the building and set off the other ones. All three explosions had joined up with each other and were nearly as big as the base. This is what I lived to see, and was trained to do. It was time for me to take off. Mission accomplished. Bruno had been avenged. When I got back I hid the truck out of site from the fortress and the street. No one can know about it. Later that day everybody else came over. I was pleased. I waned to spend some time with my friends. What was even more important was what they had to say. According to them Winston Churchill was going to come to Garmath tomorrow. This was my chance. I could become a hero in Germany when I get back. Everybody was going to see him enter Garmath so I told them that so would I. I also told them that I would stay in the crowed so no one noticed. They were also talking about the base that I took out. Apparently their enemy, Boddser Brown, had a dad who worked there and was on duty at the moment of the explosion. I was busy that night working on my plan. This was probably the most important thing that I have ever done. I could not screw this up. All I have to do is plant a land mine where the car is going to drive over. Once it hits the mine, BANG, and he’s gone. It’s that simple. Little did I know that this was going to be the biggest mistake I have ever made. As usual I woke up before Nicky. I woke him and told him that I was going for a walk and that I would be back in an hour. Then I went to my weapons base and took a mine. This is it, I thought. I am about to become a hero. The man who took out the British single-handed. There was one bad thing I never noticed, Nicky was watching. I quickly ran towards the town hall where Churchill was going. I planted a mine right in his parking space. The crowds were gathering so it was unlikely that I was seen. After that I went home and got Nicky. His face was whiter than usual. ‘Are you ok, son?’ ‘Yeah I’m fine. Let’s go dad’ he replied. Too bad I was too excited. Otherwise I would have known that he knew. ‘There’s Winston Churchill’s car Nicky. Let’s wave and say hi’ I told him. He wasn’t in the mood to. ‘I know dad. Bye bye. I’ll wait for you on the other side’ he told me. What was he doing? S***! He was running towards the mine. It was all over. Nicky died a hero and a martyr, dying to save the country that he lived in. He was always remembered in England. They even named that day after. Wolf was in so much grief. He even handed himself in. Wolf was transported back to Germany. He was dying to see Ralph but when he saw him he grew even sadder. Ralph wanted nothing to do with him. General Wolf Schmidt later died of grief. That was the story of some of the bravest people ever to walk this planet. It is still remembered by all the family and friends of the story. How to cite The Machine Gunners Part Two – Wolf Invasion, Papers
Hills Like White Elephants Essay free essay sample
During the 1920s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†, a short story by Ernest Hemingway, presents many interesting insights into relationships between men and women from the era when it was written. During the 1920’s, an era referred to as the Roarin’ Twenties, women were slowly progressing out from their stereotypical household roles to lives of entertainment and partying. In this short story, Hemingways characters reveal the lingering differences in stature between men and women in this period. Hemingway, in this story, provides detailed descriptions and well thought out dialogue between his two main characters, an American man and a girl called Jig. The dialogue in the â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†, allows the reader to understand the interactions between men and women who were in relationship during the 1920s; the characters speech gives insight into their inability to communicate with one another, their differences in status, and a womans reliance on a man. Throughout the story, both the man and the woman are unable to adequately communicate with one another. Although they face a major issue that can dramatically affect both their lives, both seem to evade the elephant in the room,†her unintentional pregnancy. When they first sit down at the table in the train station, the couple simply engages in meaningless small talk in order to avoid the important matter of the woman’s pregnancy. Their initial dialogue shows how neither one wants to bring up such an uncomfortable topic, revealing their unease with each other. Rather than simply communicate what he wants the girl to do, the man takes a passive-aggressive approach to the matter. He says, If you dont want to you dont have to. I wouldnt have you do it if you didnt want to. But I know its perfectly simple.  By saying this, the man appears to care for the girl, when really he is attempting to coerce her into having the operation by making it seem simple and implying it is the only option for happiness; he is passively aggressive. His tone and underlying message frustrates Jig, leading to anger and her threats that [She]ll scream.  The conversations that take place in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†are cyclical in their nature. The couple will have a fleeting moment of happiness, which is soon marred by a quarrel over an issue in their relationship. In the beginning of the story, the couple is having a drink without any issue, but then, they begin to argue over the taste of their drinks. The woman complains, â€Å"Everything tastes of liquor ice especially all the things you’ve waited so long for. † This irritates the man, so he snaps back, saying, â€Å"Oh, cut it out. † After quelling the tension, they begin to look out at the hills, they once again begin to argue, this time about possibly aborting her pregnancy. As the cycle continues, they become calm, and then proceed to continue the argument another time. Finally by the end of the story, the couple has calmed themselves once again, but the cycle foreshadows further arguments in the future. Their constant arguments are a result of an underlying problem in their relationship- their inability to communicate with one another. The American and the girl are unable to resolve the dilemma in their relationship, and rather than come to a conclusion through communication, they attempt to cover up these issues with bouts of apparent happiness. The man and girl in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†are unable to communicate well with one another leaving an important issue unresolved. In the story, there appears to be a major difference in status between the man and the girl. In the opening paragraph of the book, Hemingway refers to the couple that is waiting for the train as, â€Å"The American and the girl with him † In this description Hemingway seems as if it is the man who is travelling in a foreign country and that the girl is simply his accessory. More notably in the line, he refers to Jig as a girl rather than as a woman. Though she is clearly a woman if she is pregnant, Hemingway’s choice in pronouns is most certainly something he intended, allowing him to connote a childish and naive personality to the woman. He adds to this characterization through the woman’s actions and especially her dialogue. While ordering drinks, the girl asks permission to try a new drink. She asks, â€Å"Could we try [the Anis Del Toro]? † Here she must ask permission to order a new drink almost as if she is a child asking a parent to try something new. Jig feels the urge to ask the man for everything she desires and does not make any decisions on her own. When she claims that the hills resemble white elephants from a distance, she later asks the American man, â€Å"I said the mountains looked like white elephants. Wasn’t that bright?  In this dialogue, Jig is appears to be asking for approval as if a child is asking for the compliments of an adult. This invokes an image of the woman looking up to the American man as almost a wiser, more intelligent peer or even as a father figure. After much arguing over the operation the woman finally asks, â€Å"Can we please please please please please please please stop talking? † The repetition of the word please is reminiscent of children asking for something they want from a parent. The childish tone of â€Å"please please please†makes the girl seem younger than she really is. In contrast to this, the man seems far more experienced and wiser than his partner. When she claims that they as a couple could â€Å"have everything,†â€Å"have the world,†and â€Å"go everywhere†, he replies with logical pessimism, saying, â€Å"No, we can’t,†multiple times during her fantasies. Such responses are akin to those of an adult advising a child when their dreams are ridiculous, such as having everything, having the world, or going everywhere. These subtle hints at the childish nature of the woman allow Hemingway to reveal the stature of women during the time. Jig, the woman characterized as a girl, is constantly dependent on the American man for support and decision-making. When they are sitting at the table, the girl must rely upon the American to order drinks. Not only does she ask permission to try the drinks, she also is incapable of ordering because she does not speak the language. Even when she is trying to decide whether or not to have the drink with water, she must ask the man, â€Å"Is it good with water? † Eventually the man makes the decision for her and orders the drinks with water. This demonstrates some instances of how the woman is reliant upon the man to do even the simplest of tasks. The most obvious example of her reliance upon the American is seen in her indecisiveness about the operation. Rather than simply decide that she wants the operation, the woman goes back and forth for although she must want to have the child, her tendency is to do what the man says. As seen in the dialogue, the woman completely relies upon the American for everything she does and all the decisions she makes. The dialogue in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†allows Hemingway to convey the intricacies of relationships in the 1920’s. He reveals how the couple is unable to communicate effectively, the difference in stature of men and women in relationships, and how the woman relies upon the man for all her needs. The chasm between man and woman is clearly illustrated through masterful use of dialogue. The man is presented as superior in knowledge and the woman as childish. Hemingway sets up what seems to be an unequal relationship from the start- she is just a girl, while he is a man. In †Hills like White Elephants†Hemingway has effectively portrayed the relationship between men and women from the Roarin Twenties.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Improved Customer Services for Starbucks-
Question: Discuss about theImproved Customer Services for Starbucks. Answer: The feedback from internal customers comes from the organization itself, in order to improve the needs and demands, whereas the external customers feedback comes from the outsiders individual ideas that the organization takes into consideration for their improvement. The process of gathering feedback from internal customers is comparatively cheaper and easier than that of external customers (Powell et al. 2012). It is important to gather feedback from the internal customers as it helps in increasing employees satisfaction. This in turn increases the productivity and performances of the employees. Moreover, it lowers the acquisition costs of the employees. Happy and satisfied employees reflect the culture of the organization. In addition to this, satisfied employees help in meeting the consumers demands and desires easily (Roh, Hong and Min 2014). Starbucks launched mobile order and pay feature services, which helped the customers to buy their beverages and foods, without standing in the line for hours. This helped in satisfying the needs of the customers and the adoption of this technology proved to be a huge success. Coles Supermarkets and Woolworths use the digital media platform to promote its products. Moreover, the company opened their online shopping website, where the consumers can order their items by sitting at home. This also helps them gaining a feedback from the consumers (Chang 2016). HSBC Australia uses the technique of internet banking to let the customers pay their bills, transfer money and perform other activities by sitting at their homes (Bass and Dalal Clayton 2012). The organizational structure helps in determining the adaptability and flexibility of the department of marketing to new techniques. If an organizations structure is not stable, the employees will face severe issues in coping up with the environment. In bigger organization lack of communication can be a major issue for the employees. A well organizational structure helps in determining the relationship between the employees and their employers. If the overall marketing goal is not clear, it will hamper the progress and growth of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to build a good organizational structure as it contributes to the marketability and the marketing success of products as well as services (Peppard and Ward 2016). Description of the problems The ABC manufacturing company has been facing a decline in their sales. There could be two possible reasons for this. Firstly, the company is not keeping a track of their customers behaviors and attitudes. Customers preferences changes from time to time. Therefore, the company needs to track their feedbacks in order to improve the issues. Secondly, the company needs to improve their marketing and promotional activities. In this era of digital media, the company can use the social media platform for promoting their products (Wandersman, Chien and Katz 2012). Alternative solutions Feedback machines can be installed in the stores in order to track the consumers comments and reactions. Moreover, surveys can be conducted among the employees, which will give detailed information regarding their satisfaction and expectations. In addition to this, the company needs to manage their websites and pages on a regular basis. They need to keep a track of the customers demands and reply to their issues. Furthermore, interactions with the target consumers will prove beneficial for them, as the customers will feel that their opinions and views are valued by the companys owner. This in turn, will enhance their productivity as well as profitability (Theodosiou, Kehagias and Katsikea 2012). Description of the processes Customer feedback and the management processes of complaints can be done by managing and keeping a record of their views. It can contribute to the continuous improvement of the company. Moreover, the company needs to keep a track of their internal and external factors which affects their progress. They can adopt the differentiation strategy in order to compete with their existing competitors. The company can change their servicing styles and levels, which will be impactful. Furthermore, they need to develop their promotional and marketing strategies, for the overall success (Roh, Hong and Min 2014). Strategies The company must undertake certain strategies in order to resolve the issues of sales drop. A thorough research of the customers demands will help in a huge way. The unprofitable products can be dropped or the alternative option is to raise their prices. Adding new products of various ranges would be beneficial for the companys progress. The marketing team must do a thorough research of the companys competitors and work accordingly. Adapting the differentiation strategy can benefit the company on the long run. In addition to this, the company should also focus on the digital marketing segment for its promotional activities (Powell et al. 2012). Cost Installing feedback machines in the stores would cost less than hundred dollars. Costs for opening a website will be minimal. Moreover, social networking pages are easily manageable. Professional trainers and experts can be hired for providing the employees with proper training and mentorship. In addition to this, graphic artists can help in designing the advertisements in a professional yet creative manner, which will grab the attention of the customers. The costs are minimal and thus, the company can easily adopt these strategies for improving their problematic areas (Peppard and Ward 2016). Involvement of the personnel and their roles The senior management team is responsible for the overall inspection. The managers need to check the solutions of the issues and get them approved by the senior management team. On getting approval from them, the managers should work in accordance with that. The marketing team of the company needs to start working on their promotional activities. Professional graphic artists can help by providing with innovative designs for the advertisements, which will attract the customers. Moreover, the company can also lure the customers by providing them with offers and discounts. Regular customers can be given with special benefits on shopping. Furthermore, the company should also hire professional experts as well as certified trainers for training their employees on a regular basis (Kumar and Reinartz 2012). Expected outcomes On applying the strategies, the companys productivity will increase which in turn, will enhance their sales. Interacting with the customers will prove beneficial for the company, as it will give useful insights. The possible outcomes will be satisfied customers, increase in the sales, increase in the level of productivity and improvement in the companys profitability (Bass and Dalal Clayton 2012). Relevant legislation Legislation will help in bringing in more transparency for the customers and business as well, in the aspects of terms and conditions. Moreover, Consumer Rights Bill will boost the economy of the company. In addition to this, the company should also take care of the employees Work health and safety policies. Therefore, both the consumers and the employees satisfaction will prove highly beneficial for the company and increase their sales as well (Jahanshani et al. 2014). Majority of the customers do not bother to complain their issues. It is necessary to encourage the consumers to file their complaints, as it helps the company to improve their shortcomings. Bad news travels faster than the good ones. Similarly, a bad review of any company would reach a large number of customers and change their opinions regarding the organization. Interacting with the consumers can help the company owners gain an understanding of their purchasing behaviors and attitudes (Chang 2016). Moreover, pages on social networking sites must be handled carefully. Their queries need to be resolved regularly by managing the pages. Installation of feedback machines at the stores will help in encouraging the consumers to give their valuable opinions. In addition to this, surveys can be conducted for engaging the customers. Therefore, encouraging customers complaints would help the company flourish and gain useful insights. It will also contribute to its productivity and profitability (Hallstedt, Thompson and Lindahl 2013). References Bass, S. and Dalal Clayton, B., 2012.Sustainable development strategies: a resource book. Routledge. Chang, J.F., 2016.Business process management systems: strategy and implementation. CRC Press. Hallstedt, S.I., Thompson, A.W. and Lindahl, P., 2013. Key elements for implementing a strategic sustainability perspective in the product innovation process.Journal of Cleaner Production,51, pp.277-288. Jahanshani, A. A., Hajizadeh, G. M. A., Mirdhamadi, S. A., Nawaser, K., Khaksar, S. M. S. (2014). Study the effects of customer service and product quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Kumar, V. and Reinartz, W., 2012.Customer relationship management: Concept, strategy, and tools. Springer Science Business Media. Peppard, J. and Ward, J., 2016.The strategic management of information systems: Building a digital strategy. John Wiley Sons. Powell, B.J., McMillen, J.C., Proctor, E.K., Carpenter, C.R., Griffey, R.T., Bunger, A.C., Glass, J.E. and York, J.L., 2012. A compilation of strategies for implementing clinical innovations in health and mental health.Medical care research and review,69(2), pp.123-157. Roh, J., Hong, P. and Min, H., 2014. Implementation of a responsive supply chain strategy in global complexity: The case of manufacturing firms.International Journal of Production Economics,147, pp.198-210. Theodosiou, M., Kehagias, J. and Katsikea, E., 2012. Strategic orientations, marketing capabilities and firm performance: An empirical investigation in the context of frontline managers in service organizations.Industrial Marketing Management,41(7), pp.1058-1070. Wandersman, A., Chien, V.H. and Katz, J., 2012. Toward an Evidence?Based System for Innovation Support for Implementing Innovations with Quality: Tools, Training, Technical Assistance, and Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement.American journal of community psychology,50(3-4), pp.445-459.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
A Complete Guide on How to Write a Dissertation - BestEssay4u
Writing a dissertation is never easy. Just look at the quantity of work it takes to complete a dissertation. We are aware that your school probably didn’t teach you any research method, and still expects you to write a dissertation so professional that it should be sent to a journal for publishing! It’s the same trend everywhere. Students are suddenly left in the middle of the water, and they have no aids to swim their way across to the bank. But worry not; we’re here! Using our guidelines, you can write one following all the specific requirements and standards of your school. Let’s Answer; What Is a Dissertation? A dissertation is another name for the thesis. It brings an original idea to light using research, and the final compilation is nearly as long as a book. The title of research is generally suggested by the school. It can be modified with the student’s input or suggestion, but the final topic is only approved by the teacher. It takes studying an aspect of a field of knowledge in depth so as to find an answer to a question about which not sufficient knowledge exists before. Or it may be testing a hypothesis. In any case, the knowledge created by doing the research work is supposed to be valuable and filling a gap in the existing body of literature. There are several steps that go into writing a dissertation. To begin with, students are required to prepare a research proposal. They are approved by the teachers or research supervisors after their comments on it are addressed by the students. Then comes the literature review phase culminating into identifying the specific question to find the answer to or a hypothesis to test. Students develop a research methodology outlining the method they would use to collect information on the subject. There can be different kinds of research methodologies including qualitative method, quantitative method, or mixed methods’ approach. After obtaining the data, students analyze the data using appropriate data analysis techniques and using software for analysis as required. Finally, results are drawn, discussed in light and context of the past research, and conclusions are drawn. Students may also write limitations of the research and propose further areas of research in the field. How to Write a Good Dissertation? Expert Tips Writing a good dissertation is particularly challenging, as most students just tend to do basic work in their attempt just to get through and make their way to the end of it. A good dissertation involves proper research work. It cannot be achieved without adequate knowledge of the research methods, knowledge of different kinds of data and variables, detailed understanding of the research methodology and tests that can be applied to the data. Therefore, to write a good dissertation, a student should gain all this knowledge and competence in the various components of research. How to Start a Dissertation Question Is Particularly Challenging, Right? We know you might be at this stage right now; standing clueless, knowing nothing, feeling down! The start is particularly challenging. You might not have any idea of what kind of data you should collect even if you somehow managed to come up with the specific question to answer or hypothesis to test. Also, you might not know which research techniques you should apply to your data. Start a dissertation by conducting research. Brainstorm yourself on the subject consulting a variety of articles on your topic. See what kind of data other researchers have collected on the subject, what kind of methodologies they have used, what limitations have been in their research. A good tip is to find the latest articles documenting recent research so you would easily know what gap exists in the current body of literature studying the limitations’ section of the articles. How to Structure a Dissertation So That It Has It All! The educational institution generally specifies the structure of a dissertation. You might see it in the layout given by your teacher. If you don’t have that, here’s what a dissertation structure typically includes: Introduction Background The significance of this research Literature review Research questions and/or hypothesis Research methodology Sample size and data collection Data analysis Results Discussion Limitations Dissertation Introduction We have been writing them for years. Having successfully completed high-quality dissertations for thousands of students on all kinds of subjects, we have really mastered the art of dissertation writing. Take it from our learning experience that it takes a lot of structured planning to write a good dissertation. The topics are usually assigned by the schools. Teachers also provide preliminary guidelines. But it is for a student actually to do the whole thing, and many challenges are encountered as a student delves into this task that cannot be foreseen or estimated at the start. What Should Be in the Dissertation Body The body of a dissertation is the main thing the whole effort is about. Most of the body of a dissertation comprises three main sections; literature review, research methodology, and data analysis. The body of a dissertation needs to be carefully constructed keeping in mind the word count decided for each section at the start, with due consultation and approval of your teacher. Have a look at the sample or previous dissertation articles available online for a better idea. Dissertation Conclusion; The Summary and Way Forward! The conclusion sums up the entire thesis: no need to delve into the detailed literature review, methodology, or analysis in this section. Just lightly touch upon the methodology section and tests applied and basically discuss what inferences can be drawn from the results obtained from them. End your conclusion with recommendations in light of those inferences, and suggestion of topics and directions for future research. Place an Order If you are having a hard time writing your dissertation, and lack knowledge of the research process, just give your work to us, and relax, or complete other works. We’ll assign your dissertation to an expert writer who will complete it within your deadline. So there’s nothing to worry!
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