Tuesday, November 26, 2019
From Moral Failing to Disease essays
From Moral Failing to Disease essays Fashions change in nearly everything - including the popular and medical opinions about alcoholism. A half-century ago, most people (including medical professionals as well as alcoholics themselves) believed that alcoholism was a question of free will: People became alcoholics because they chose to drink and did not have the moral (or emotional or psychological) ability to stop drinking. Over the past several decades, ideas about the root causes of alcoholism changed substantially as the pendulum swung from one extreme (i.e. alcoholism is a moral weakness) to the other (alcoholism is a disease caused by a genetic predisposition). In the past decade, the pendulum has begun swinging back slightly so that now most medical and social-work professionals view alcoholism as a learned behavior - although there is also although there is little doubt most alcoholics have some element of genetic predisposition for the condition. This paper explores the phenomenon of alcoholism as we understand it at this point, as a condition that is partly learned (i.e. the result of freely engaged in choices) and partly genetic. The question of whether alcoholism is an acquired behavior or a genetic or a combination of the two might not seem to be terribly important either to the alcoholic who is suffering or to her or his family and friends who suffer as well. But in fact it is extremely important in terms of how one treats the condition - and also in how the condition is viewed socially. We can draw an analogy to a condition like diabetes: It doesn't little good to lecture someone about the importance of good eating habits and regular exercise to prevent diabetes if their condition is genetically based (although of course diet and exercise can still help to control it), but it does a tremendous amount of good to talk to an individual about environmental factors if his or her diabetes is caused b...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Profile Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers
Profile Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers Known for: co-founder and a leader of the United Farm Workers Dates: April 10, 1930 - Occupation: labor leader and organizer, social activist Also known as: Dolores Fernndez Huerta About Dolores Huerta Dolores Huerta was born in 1930 in Dawson, New Mexico. Her parents, Juan and Alicia Chavez Fernandez, divorced when she was very young, and she was raised by her mother in Stockton, California, with the active help of her grandfather, Herculano Chavez. Her mother worked two jobs when Dolores was very young. Her father watched the grandchildren. During World War II, Alicia Fernandez Richards, who had remarried, ran a restaurant and then a hotel, where Dolores Huerta helped out as she grew older. Alicia divorced her second husband, who had not related well to Dolores, and married Juan Silva. Huerta has credited her maternal grandfather and her mother as the primary influences on her life. Dolores also was inspired by her father, whom she saw infrequently until she was an adult, and by his struggles to make a living as a migrant laborer and coal miner. His union activity helped inspire her own activist work with a Hispanic self-help association. She married in college, divorcing her first husband after having two daughters with him. Later she married Ventura Huerta, with whom she had five children. But they disagreed over many issues including her community involvements, and first separated and then divorced. Her mother helped her support her continuing work as an activist after the divorce. Dolores Huerta became involved in a community group supporting farm workers which merged with the AFL-CIOs Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC). Dolores Huerta served as secretary-treasurer of the AWOC. It was during this time that she met Cesar Chavez, and after theyd worked together for some time, formed with him the National Farm Workers Association, which eventually became the United Farm Workers (UFW). Dolores Huerta served a key role in the early years of farmworker organizing, though she has only recently been given full credit for this. Among other contributions was her work as the coordinator for East Coast efforts in the table grape boycott, 1968-69, which helped to win recognition for the farm workers union. It was during this time that she also became connected with the growing feminist movement including connecting with Gloria Steinem, who helped influence her to integrate feminism into her human rights analysis. In the 1970s Huerta continued her work directing the grape boycott, and expanding to a lettuce boycott and a boycott of Gallo wine. In 1975, the national pressure brought results in California, with the passage of legislation recognizing the right of collective bargaining for farmworkers, the Agricultural Labor Relations Act. During this period she had a relationship with Richard Chavez, a brother of Cesar Chavez, and they had four children together. She also headed up the farm workers unions political arm and helped lobby for legislative protections, including maintaining the ALRA. She helped found a radio station for the union, Radio Campesina, and spoke widely, including lectures and testifying for protections for farm workers. Dolores Huerta had a total of eleven children. Her work took her away from her children and family frequently, something she expressed regret for later. In 1988, while demonstrating peacefully against the policies of candidate George Bush, she was severely injured when police clubbed the demonstrators. She suffered broken ribs and her spleen had to be removed. She eventually won a considerable financial settlement from the police, as well as changes in police policy on handling demonstrations. After her recovery from this life-threatening attack, Dolores Huerta returned to working for the farm workers union. Shes credited with holding the union together after the sudden death of Cesar Chavez in 1993. Sources Susan Ferriss, Ricardo Sandoval, Diana Hembree (editor). The Fight in the Fields: Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers Movement. Paperback, 1998.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategic Choice and Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic Choice and Evaluation - Research Paper Example egmenting the customers and identifying the target market and the gap analysis (identify the lacking) are the part of identifying the strategies (Kozami, 2002). B&G Food is a well-known brand all over the United States, and its current position in the market is stable i.e. there is no potential for growth and no possible decline in the market for B&G products. There is a need for urgent actions in order to increase the opportunities to expand and also grasp the market share. B&G being a very old company in the market, and it has the potential to grasp the most of the market share. B&G Foods is lacking with some of its core plans that need to be amended and reconsidered. For example, their Promotional and Marketing Strategies are not well designed and implemented. The need of establishing new products and service outlets is essential. Moreover, hiring skilled and specialized workforce and conducting training and development programs for employees are essential. B&G Foods can also expand its product line to attract new customers. B&G Foods has to maintain a proper Promotional and Marketing strategy. The potential consumers would get to know the products and services through the promotions, and the overall sales could be raised. The mediums that can be utilized by B&G Foods can be the online advertisement, TV commercials, newspapers ads, promoting the products and services through billboards, etc. Once the strategies are being followed, the core part is to monitor them and evaluate the outcomes. It will help better in implementation, and the feedback of the consumers can also be gathered regarding the particular strategy. There is a need of hiring skillful management. The process of the recruitment must be strict, and the best candidates must be selected for the Job. The skilled workforce for marketing and promotional strategies will help handle the work effectively and efficiently. The other benefit of hiring an expert workforce is that the new and attractive
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Identification and analysis of DNA repair mechanisms that contribute Literature review
Identification and analysis of DNA repair mechanisms that contribute to resistance against nucleoside analogues - Literature review Example Consequently, DNA is damaged frequently, and is repaired through pathways of repair and proofreading functions by DNA polymerase. Multiple mechanisms of repair within the cell act to balance these levels of mutation. However, the large number of mutations that occur means that every so often, the repair process misses these mutations and they become part of the DNA. This process can be the first step in carcinogenesis . There are currently 346 different genes that have been associated with the development of cancer, although this number continues to grow. In some cases these genes are mutated in cancer cells and not in normal cells. In other cases, genes may show substantial levels of deregulation. Both of these processes have the potential to significantly decrease the effectiveness of certain genes, leading to altered pathways within the cancer cell and the body itself . This suggests that mutations are a crucial part of the formation of cancer. Indeed, human cancer appears to have thousands of different mutations by the time that it is first detected. Furthermore, information that cancer can be inherited from one generation to the next suggests that some of these mutations can be passed along in genes . Cancer is characterised by high levels of clonal expansion of somatic cells. These cells are not subject to the normal growth regulation components of the cell cycle. Thus, they are able to proliferate beyond the normal constraints of tissue. Likewise, the controls over apoptosis are also circumvented . Most tumours that develop in the human body are substantially heterogeneous. This suggests that multiple mutations occur within human cancers driving the creation of tumours and the change in function between normal cells and cancerous cells . Thus, cancer can be considered to be a disease, or collection of diseases, that occurs due to genetic abnormalities accumulating within cells . In each generation of cancer cells, significant mutation occurs within diffe rent cells, and those that develop mutations that facilitate cancer growth are selected for, resulting in an increase in the prevalence of these cells. Mutations may be subtle, such as changes in the sequence of nucleotides, or more substantial, involving changes in the chromosomes themselves . One significant factor in cancer treatment resistance is that therapeutic killing cancer cells, while causing cancer to go into remission, can also act to select for resistance to treatment. This can result in a progression of tumour growth, with cells that cannot be targeted by the same treatment . Another form of resistance that can occur is based on the cells location in the division cycle. Cancer therapy tends to be most effective on cells that are rapidly replicating. Furthermore, resistance to treatment can often be stronger in some stages of the cell cycle than others . Cancer cells contain a wide range of mutations, and these mutations may act to drive the formation and progression of tu
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people Essay Example for Free
Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people Essay Children’s Social Care Help children who are in need and also if a concern is raised about a child they will decide on the course of action to take. For example carry out and assessment and find out what the child’s needs are and gather all the relevant information that is needed. Police They work with children’s social care to protect children from harm. They have roles and responsibilities which include making a decision on whether a crime has been committed and if it has they will start an investigation and gather evidence from the Children’s social care. Health Professional They will examine children whose injuries they think are non-accidental. If abuse is suspected the health professional will then alert the children’s social care. NSPCC They are the only third sector organisation who can take action when children are at risk of abuse and they also provide support to children and families and a helpline for people to call if they are worried about a child and they also raise awareness of abuse through advertising. Wigan Local Safeguarding Children’s Board These have particular roles and responsibilities to oversee the work of other
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Cultural Front Essay examples -- essays research papers
The Cultural Front      In the USA, it seems as though there is always a revolution going on. The world is changing everyday. Everyday there is something new going on. Everyday there are people fighting for what they believe in, from social movements to political movements. Everyday people are working hard for their future. People are just trying to make it in the real world. In the the 1930’s, there was so much going on, from WWI to the depression. The world was in a slump, and people were doing everything they could to make it. The cultural front involves history on the ordinary person, politics, and literature. I wish to compare some of the problems of today, with the problems of the past, discussing politics, culture, hegemony, and the working class.      USA is the richest country and has the most poor people in numbers. Our money isn’t spent on education, health, or housing projects for poor people. Recently most of our money has been going to Iraq or weapons for soldiers so they can keep the peace. Our money doesn’t go to the ordinary person. Rich people keep getting rich, and the poor keep getting poor! I don’t feel our money is put into any investments. How come our gas prices are so high? Wouldn’t it make sense to invest in oil, so the average person can have some spare change to spend on something other than gas to get from point A to B? Our system is unjust and the only way to fix it is to fight for it, and hope that someone in power hears you. When people in power say something, people automatically believe them, even if there is no basis to their knowledge. President Bush had repeatedly said that John Kerry had changed his positions about our war many times. Kerry said it wasnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t true, but people believed Bush anyways, because he is a man of power, which is a form of communism. There are ways to change our system fundamentally instead of going to war with other countries. Most of our money right now goes to our National Defense and Social Security. It’s nice the money will be there later for us when we retire, but what about those of us who need social security benefits now? There have and always will be problems with the system, and no matter what you do, you can never make everyone happy! In the 1930’s the big political movement was the power of the CIO, The congress of Industrial Organization. They came to power at the beginning of ... ...side had Ghetto pastorals, which were books about people growing up in the ghettos, Harlem, Chinatowns, Little Italy, etc. Ghettos are usually classified as projects for African Americans. They are run down housing projects, where the poorest of the poor live. People there usually are on welfare, and have many kids. People enjoyed reading these stories, because they were stories of everyday people.      This Cultural front was a revolution in the United States. The Cultural front is part of our history and it is very important to read all perspectives of history. The Cultural front reshaped history through the everyday people, the writing, play wrights, politics, and social movements. The cultural front shows the perspectives of the poor; it isn’t things you will find in a history book. When you read history books you find falsification. White men wrote history, they designed it the way they wanted people to remember it, making past presidents heroes, justifying Christopher Columbus taking land that was not his, justifying slavery, and writing only about people in power. The book the Cultural front shows a perspective from the every day average American just trying to survive.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare Essay
Fairy>. Oberon, Titania Titania displays her ability to be in love but never be ability to find true love. Her feelings for Oberon, Nick, and the changeling are swayed very easily and without notice. When Titania is obsessed with Oberon but becomes intimately attached to the changeling child. However, when Titania is again sprinkled with fairy dew, her affections turn from the child to Nick (Act IV, sc i). The fairies intervene again, and Titania finds herself once again infatuated with Oberon (Act IV, sc i). When exploring the issue love in â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream†comments â€Å"Love, as interpreted by the comic spirit, is a certain fine lunacy in the brain of youth; not an integral part of life, but a disturbing element in it. The lover is a being of strange caprices and strange infidelities, beyond the control of reason, and swayed with every gust of passion. While Titania’s affections are the most intense and deeply felt of anyone’s within in the play, she is unable to maintain her love for any character and is therefore incapable of true love. Oberon seems to be a greedy brute but only a little further on in the play, he acts generously and tries to help the four hopelessly muddled lovers. His character is confusing. Though he starts out brutish, during the course of taking his revenge, he takes pity on both Helena and, later, on Titania herself, as he feels remorse that he has paired her with an ass: â€Å"Her dotage now I do begin to pity.†(4.1.45) There is not much to say about Titania’s conflicts, as she is altered for much of the play, and, therefore, does not have the chance to express her true feelings to the audience. Oberon emerges, therefore, as the centrally conflicted character in the play’s parallel imaginative world. Mortal>. Theseus, Hippolyta True love does not exist between Theseus and Hippolyta. Hippolyta approach to love seems to be indifference. Her love for Theseus does not seem to sway but she also does not make any indication that she is in love with Theseus. In all of the play she does not say a loving word or commit a loving act toward Theseus. Theseus, in the Greek myth, has acquired the love of Hippolyta by killing her family and close friends. Theseus thinks very highly of himself and thinks only of himself. He takes Hippolyta on endless hunting trips and offers the following uninspiring proof of his love, â€Å"My love shall hear the music of my hounds†(Act IV, sc i). The reader must question if Hippolyta enjoys these hunting trips or Theseus. Her general lack of interest answers both questions. Even when Hippolyta attempts to communicate, Theseus is just unwilling to listen (Ac V, sc i). This clearly shows that while Theseus attentions are focused only Hippolyta their relationship is not mutually beneficial. This one of several instances where the audience can see the power of imagination in romance as well as parody of romantic convention†¦see the pain suffered by women to whom men are foolish, insensitive, and even brutal. Young lovers>. Hermia, Lysander Lysander is supposedly in love with Hermia. However, after he is mistakenly sprinkled with dew by Puck, his attentions shift from Hermia to Helena. In Shakespeare’s Comedies, the dialog supports the point that â€Å"Shakespeare uses an ‘outside force’ which interferes in and controls the affairs of men.†He then treats Hermia cruelly with no concern for her well being or emotions. In the play his love for either women is easily switched on and off. Once the fairy love juice wears off Lysander’s attentions again fall on Hermia. The same is true of Demetrius who is also effected by the fairy love potion. He found himself in love with Hermia and his desire for her was â€Å"melted as the snow†however when the juice wears off he laments that he does not know â€Å"by what power†made him fall in love. In William Shakespeare†s a Midsummer Night†s Dream, the erotic absolute will inevitably be embodied in a successful rival. Helena cannot fail to be torn between worship and hatred of Hermia. Imitative desire makes all reciprocal rapports impossible. Demetrius and Lysander are unable to maintain they love for anyone woman calling to question their sincerity and real motives in loving either. Hermia is in love with Lysander but her father, Egeus, decides that she must marry Demetrius instead. She and Lysander decide to elope, and go to the wood outside Athens. Hermia is bewildered when Lysander deserts her, and quarrels with her friend Helena, accusing her of enticing Lysander away from her. Hermia is short and dark, in contrast to Helena. She is also hot-tempered. Helena, Demetrius Demetrius is a young man of Athens, initially in love with Hermia and ultimately in love with Helena. Demetrius’s obstinate pursuit of Hermia throws love out of balance among the quartet of Athenian youths and precludes a symmetrical two-couple arrangement. Helena is young woman of Athens, in love with Demetrius. Demetrius and Helena were once betrothed, but when Demetrius met Helena’s friend Hermia, he fell in love with her and abandoned Helena. Lacking confidence in her looks, Helena thinks that Demetrius and Lysander are mocking her when the fairies’ mischief causes them to fall in love with her. Poor, lovesick Helena pursues her Demetrius throughout the play, much to the dismay of the audience, but what is theater without drama? She is a character the audience can truly come to understand as her emotions are laid bare for all to see. Her misery and humiliation at her betrothed’s rejection and then pursuit of her childhood playmate is so unanswerable that she refuses to give her love and spends her time chasing Demetrius. Eventually, through magic, her lover is restored to her, though the audience is left to decide for themselves whether unnatural (fairy-driven) love is as good as the real thing.  Helena, who are the doubling figures, are in an unresolved situation: Helena loves Demetrius, but Demetrius has only, in the Victorian phrase, trifled with her affections. In the second part we’re in the fairy wood at night, where identities become, as we think, hopelessly confused. At dawn Theseus and Hippolyta, accompanied by Egeus, enter the wood to hunt. By that time the Demetrius-Helena situation has cleared up, and because of that Theseus feels able to overrule Egeus and allow the two marriages to go ahead. At the beginning Lysander remarks to Hermia that the authority of Athenian law doesn’t extend as far as the wood, but apparently it does; Theseus is there, in full charge, and it is in the wood that he makes the decision that heads the play toward its happy ending. At the same time the solidifying of the Demetrius-Helena relationship was the work of Oberon. We can hardly avoid the feeling not only that Theseus is overruling Egeus’s will, but that his own will has been overruled too, by fairies of whom he knows nothing and in whose existence he doesn’t believe. Mechanicals>. Pyramus, Thisbe In A Midsummer Night’s DreamThe workmen’s Lamentable Comedy can be seen as a parody (silly copy) of Romeo and Juliet. There are obvious similarities in the plot (can you say what these are?) but not in the theatrical qualities of the two pieces. In Pyramus and Thisbe we see how not to do things which are done much better elsewhere in A Midsummer Night’s Dream,in Romeo and Juliet or in other plays by Shakespeare. (These include depicting wild animals, a wall, moonlight and killing on stage). Comment on how these things are done both in Pyramus and Thisbe and in the plays proper. Comment on how hard or easy it is for actors to speak the dialogue in Shakespeare’s plays generally, and to speak the verse we meet in Pyramus and Thisbe (look at the end of the Prologue, and the dying speeches of the two lovers). The danger is always a performance like Pyramus and Thisbe, in which imagination and reality are not sufficiently balanced to create the illusion a successful play requires to work its magic. The ideal seems to be a performance in which reality is neither so openly flouted as to make the play unbelievable, nor rendered so literally as to make it ridiculous, but is balanced with imaginative pretense in such a way as to manifest the purpose of playing itself, the channeling of nature by art into harmonious and satisfactory patterns. ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by William Shakespeare Essay ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ is a romantic comedy and one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays or stories. The main characters of this story are Oberon, Titania, Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius and Helena. This story deals with marriage, family, elope and comedy. Hermia elopes with her lover Lysander to get married and Demetrius who loves Hermia follows them into while Helena, Hermia’s friend and Demetrius’ lover, follows Demetrius into the forest. Meanwhile, Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the fairies in the forest, have an argument which causes tension between them. Is the forest a magical place? Yes, it is because all the characters in the forest reconcile. The story starts off with Egeus, father of Hermia, reporting to Theseus, King of Athens at that time, that his daughter refused to obey him when he commanded his daughter to marry Demetrius, a man of a noble Athenian family. There was a strict law in the city of Athens that if a daughter refused to marry the man her father had chosen, she would be put to death. Hermia had not loved Demetrius but she loved another Athenian, Lysander. She also didn’t want to marry him because her best friend, Helena, loved Demetrius and she wanted to stay loyal. Theseus could not alter the laws the rules of his country so he could only give Hermia four days to reconsider her decision or else she would be put to death. Lysander was informed about this and proposed to Hermia that they should elope to his aunt’s house outside of Athens, where the laws were not applied. Demetrius heard of this and thus, he followed them into the forest. Helena was afraid of losing Demetrius forever so therefore she followed him into the forest. Demetrius reproached Helena for following him but Helena tried to remind him of his former love and true faith to her. Demetrius, after saying many cruel things to Helena, abandoned her while Helena still raced after him. Oberon and Titania are the King and Queen of the Fairies respectively. They were having a disagreement when Titania refused to give Oberon a changeling boy. Titania dotes over this child which makes Oberon jealous. Oberon wants to make the boy part of his entourage. Titania refuses to give the boy up, hence the conflict. They lived in the magical forest. Oberon had a counsellor, Puck. Oberon observed the conflict between Demetrius and Helena. Oberon was always friendly to true lovers and felt sorry for Helena. He reported this to Puck and commanded him to use a piece of the purple flower, which has a ‘love-juice’, and use it on Demetrius to make him fall in love with Helena. Oberon described him as wearing Athenian clothes. Puck found a man in Athenian clothes but it turned out be Lysander who was sleeping next to Hermia. Puck poured the love-juice into his eyes and the first person he saw he would fall in love with. The next morning, Helena would find Hermia and Lysander. When Lysander woke up, he saw Helena in front of him and immediately fell in love with her. Helena was confused and then she became angry with Lysander. She thought that he was pulling a sick prank on her. Oberon and Puck soon realized what happened. Oberon scolded Puck and Puck found Demetrius asleep. Puck applied the love-juice to his eyes and when Demetrius woke up, he first saw Helena and became in love with her. Ironically, what had first started out as Lysander and Demetrius chasing Hermia with Helena left behind, now had turned into Lysander and Demetrius chasing Helena with Hermia left behind. Helena outraged, thinking it was a prank, got herself into a war of words with Hermia. Oberon and Puck observed the chaos he caused and immediately attempted to fix it. Puck wearied them out by getting them lost and removed the charm from the eyes of Lysander with an antidote to reverse the effects and forget his new love for Helena. After, everything was back to normal Hermia was with Lysander and Helena was with Demetrius. Meanwhile, Oberon, longing for the changeling boy, had poured some love-juice on Titania to make her give it up. When Oberon had returned, he found a clown sleeping next to her. He put a donkey’s head on him and Titania fell in love with the clown. Oberon seized the chance and demanded the changeling boy which she unwillingly accepted. Soon, Oberon had poured some juices of another flower and had brought her back to her senses. She immediately loathed the sight of the monster. All the couples in this story reconciled. Egeus understood Demetrius not wanting to marry his daughter but Helena and Egeus accepted the marriage between Lysander and Hermia. The forest is truly a magical place because what had started as elope, disagreements and hatred turned out be union, harmony and love.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Practice Vision Essay
I suppose that it’s exceedingly difficult for any incoming medical student to decide exactly in which areas they would prefer to specialize. For me, particularly, I feel that the decision has been one that has been extraordinarily difficult to reach. There is truly a multitude of different areas in which I feel that I have more than sufficient interest to succeed. After quite a bit of time, however, and much careful deliberation and incisive thought, I have reached the conclusion that I would like to do my residency in internal medicine and my fellowship in cardiology. There are myriad reasons for why I arrived at this conclusion.            First, and probably foremost, is my innate curiosity and interest in both of these areas of medical study. I have always been fascinated by the biological functions of the human body and I feel that the study of internal medicine would allow me to take an all-encompassing approach to the study of the body, not limiting myself to one specific area. The study of cardiology, on the other hand, would allow me to focus my expertise on one specific area that has always intrigued me.            On the other hand, I feel that it would probably be rather foolish, and possibly even negligent, to choose areas of study based exclusively on one’s personal interest. Instead, I also carefully considered my abilities and feel that I possess a talent-set that would easily lend itself to both fields.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Bolshevik Success in 1917 essays
Bolshevik Success in 1917 essays How and why were the Bolsheviks able to seize power in Russia in 1917? When the February Revolution of 1917 erupted, the Bolsheviks were a minor concern and had no direct involvement in this initial bourgeoisie revolution. Prominent Bolshevik leaders like Lenin were abroad at the time and members were divided over the partys purpose in Russia. Notwithstanding this, by 1922, the Bolshevik Party had assumed resolute power in Russia and consolidated their authority. Nicholas IIs abdication had created political instability in Russia, leaving the Provisional Government in Petrograd to assumed power over Russia. Unfortunately, the Provisional Government lacked legitimacy to justify its actions. There was no tradition of government rule in Russia and many people were actually opposed to it. As a self-appointed body, many questioned the Governments authority to rule. The Provisional Government also lacked a charismatic leader, which only aggravated the situation. Despite attempts to ameliorate their position like the appointment of Alexander Kerensky as leader, even his political talent could not improve the PGs popularity. Historians recognise that the Provisional Governments continuance of the war was a significant influence on their downfall, but we must bear in mind that this decision was not based on blind refusal to admit defeat, but political reasoning. Russia was practically bankrupt and continuance of the war provided essential financial assistance from the West. Moreover, the Provisional Government felt obliged to continue the war out of loyalty to Britain and France. This was an unpopular decision, as there appeared to be few aims to the continued fighting or breakthrough successes. The PG gradually lost the support of a large proportion of the troops, regarded as little more than peasants in uniform, and were an obvious target for Bolshevik propaganda. Russia was an impoveri...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
College SAT Requirements How to Find What SAT Score You Need
College SAT Requirements How to Find What SAT Score You Need SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Maybe you already know your top college choice. Now you want to know what SAT score you need to get into your dream school. Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer. Generally, there is no SAT score requirement that guarantees you admission, especially for the most selective colleges. Conversely, there usually isn’t an SAT score that will automatically disqualify you from admission because schools use holistic admissions. Your application will be evaluated on your GPA, extracurricular activities, recommendations, personal essay, and SAT score. However, your SAT score will significantly increase or decrease your likelihood of admission, and you can use available statistics to determine the SAT score you need to improve your chances of being able to attend a certain college. Colleges generally say that they don't have SAT requirements, but if you get an 800 and want to go to Harvard, statistically, you have nearly a 0% chance of gaining admission. In this article, I will discuss SAT score requirements and how your SAT score impacts the college admissions process. Will Your SAT Score Guarantee Your College Admission? Alone, your SAT score can't guarantee your college acceptance. At the most selective schools, even students with perfect SAT scores are routinely rejected. Remember that your SAT score is only one component of your application, albeit a very important one. An article from a 2013 edition of Stanford Magazine stated that 69% of Stanford applicants from the previous 5 years with perfect 2400 SAT scores (on the old test) were denied admission. And, since then, the overall acceptance rate to Stanford has dropped even lower. While your SAT score alone can't guarantee your admission to a specific college, there are colleges where your SAT score combined with your GPA can guarantee admission. For California students, at the University of California, if your grades and standardized test scores combined are in the top 9% of California high school graduates and you're not accepted to any of the UC campuses you apply to, you'll be offered a spot at another campus if space is available. Additionally, other states have guaranteed admission at some or all of their public universities if you obtain a certain GPA and SAT score. Some of the states that offer guaranteed admission include Iowa, Nevada, Texas, and Missouri. You should check the admissions requirements on a college's website to see if there is a similar program and to find out the GPA and SAT score requirements for automatic admission. What Score Do You Need to Increase Your Chances of Admission? The SAT score required to improve your odds of gaining admission to a school varies depending on the school. Generally, you should aim for at least the 75th percentile SAT score of that college for your score to positively influence your application. Most schools publish their 25th and 75th percentile scores. The logic behind this strategy is that if your SAT score is well above the score of the majority of students at the school, then your SAT score will undoubtedly help you when your application is evaluated. Remember that if you score above the 75th percentile for a school, then you've scored higher than at least 75% of the students who go there. Your scores will compare favorably to those of current students and that will significantly improve your chances of getting in. Even during the years when Stanford rejected 69% of applicants with perfect SAT scores, the 31% acceptance rate for students with perfect SAT scores was much, much higher than the overall acceptance rate. During that time, the acceptance rate was 6%-8%. Students who got perfect SAT scores gave themselves a dramatically better chance of being accepted than if they had gotten an average score for a Stanford applicant. If your SAT score is closer to the 25th percentile, then another component of your application should be outstanding to have a realistic shot at admission. If your score is significantly lower than the 25th percentile, your odds of getting in are very slim. How to Find a School's 25th/75th Percentile SAT Scores To find a school's 25th and 75th percentile SAT scores, you can use the PrepScholar database. We've done the work for you. On your favorite search engine, you can plug in "(school name) SAT requirements prepscholar" and you'll get the answers you're looking for. For example, if you're searching for UCLA, just Google "UCLA SAT requirements prepscholar." Here is all the information for Stanford University. For another example, here is all the information for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Also, you should find out a school's policy regarding score choice and superscoring. PrepScholar college profiles provide that info to you as well. How to Determine Your SAT Target Score When preparing for your SAT, you should have a target score in mind. Your target score can influence your studying, test-taking strategies, and motivate you to keep improving your SAT skills. Here's how to determine your SAT target score. Make a list of the schools you're interested in applying to. The average of their 75th percentile SAT scores will be your target score. To determine your section target scores, divide your SAT target score by 2. If you're applying to an engineering or science program, your math score can be slightly higher. Similarly, if you're applying to a humanities program, your reading and writing score can be slightly higher. For more specific information about SAT target scores, check out the post on what's a good SAT score. Will Getting a Low SAT Score Prevent You From Going to College? Getting a low SAT score may prevent you from getting into the college of your dreams, but it shouldn't stop you from going to college. There are a number of schools that don't require SAT scores at all. Also, most community colleges don't require SAT scores. You always have the option of going to a 2-year college and transferring to a 4-year university. Keep in mind that if you do poorly on your SAT, high grades in college prep classes can compensate for low test scores. How well you do in four years of high school is more important to colleges than how well you do on one standardized test. However, if you want to compete in NCAA sports, there are minimum SAT and ACT scores you need to be eligible to compete. It's still possible to get into college if you have low SAT scores. There may not be strict SAT requirements for specific colleges or college in general, but doing well on your SAT should give you more college options and increase your likelihood that you'll be admitted to the colleges you want to attend. What's Next? For those of you still hoping to reach your SAT target score, read these articles on how to improve your SAT score and how to get a perfect SAT score. Also, learn how to build the most versatile college application. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Justin Berkman About the Author Justin has extensive experience teaching SAT prep and guiding high school students through the college admissions and selection process. He is firmly committed to improving equity in education and helping students to reach their educational goals. Justin received an athletic scholarship for gymnastics at Stanford University and graduated with a BA in American Studies. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Saturday, November 2, 2019
Writting paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Writting paper - Essay Example It is also known as the Chase or Police and Thieves. The participants of the game are split in two teams. One team is the Cops or the Police- the good guys; the second team is the thieves- the bad guys. The cops chase the robbers and put them into a prison or jail. The robbers can not break free from the prison by themselves. Only a fellow thief can come and rescue the jailed robber by tagging him/her, while being vigilant about the police and trying that it does not catch them. The teams switch roles when all the robbers have been jailed. In a slightly modified version of the game, the robbers are given a few minutes margin before the chase begins. Both sides often use toy guns and assume a language and other artifacts that relate them to their role. Bimbo is another game that us popular amongst children, especially in Italy. The two main roles in the game are that of Bimbo (the leader) and the players who are chased. The players stand in two files facing each other, five yards apart, with their hands facing upwards behind their backs. The Bimbo has two leaves with him, and he struts behind the lines, discreetly placing the leaves in the hands of any two players, one from each line. Then he suddenly shouts â€Å"Stop! Thief! Lucky Leaf!†and that is the cue for the two players who are in possession of the leaves to run to the opposite side, avoiding being caught by the Bimbo (Cagel, 2010). These two players then pass the leaves to another two players who run across the play area to the opposite line and so on, while the Bimbo tries to catch them. If the Bimbo catches any person who has the leaf, then that person is the new Bimbo. Both Cops and Robbers and Bimbo are outdoor games and the theme of the game remains the same: the thrill of chase. The games are similar in the respect that there are two different roles that the participants are split into, and both games can involve a large group of children. The concept of assuming a pretended identity is
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